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Daniel Morelia is the CEO of the medical technology manufacturer Diogen.

Diogen is a subsidiary of Sirius Corp with ties to Sirius INC.
The Diogen Medical Centre is a fleet carrier based academic hospital run by Diogen.

The Medical Centre operates for the most part in Li Yong-Rui and Sirius INC space.
The main Purpose of the hospital is to provide aid in crises and to advance research in the fields of medical technology and pharmaceuticals.
Diogen takes care of its own security and has research groups search for new compounds in space.

It is rumored that the labs on the Fleet carrier are home to a secret experimental cybernetically-hiveminded human think tank answering to Li Yong-Rui and Sirius Corp directly.
Diogen's missions allegedly being a facade to cover the actions and operational requirements of this think tank.
Both Sirius Corp and Diogen systematically deny this