Personal content

Real name
Raenys Vallarta as Cliath
Place of birth
Year of birth
172 cm / 5' 8"
62.5 kg / 138 lb
Build type
Skin color
Hair color
Eye color
English - Mixed UK/US, hints of Irish & Australian
Raenys is a station-raised explorer/trader with ties to Colonia and a long-term goal of reconnecting with relatives back in Sol system – should the Federation ever grant her that permit. She was aboard Jaques station during its infamous attempt out to Beagle Point, and has kept a healthy dose of fearful respect and quiet curiosity for the bugs ever since.

The CMDR has faced enemies hidden in dark corners of otherwise friendly organizations, keen on barring the possibility for her ancestral rights in favor of their own economic interests.

Currently, her ventures have taken Raenys through Colonia and the Galactic Core region. If her logbooks are anything to go off of, the woman has some interesting challenges waiting for her back in civilized space.

As for her path beyond this current point, the woman is heading back to the bubble with a mission of setting certain things straight.

How exactly she plans to address this remains to be seen.

Mother: Was well-to-do enough, though she sped off from her own family upon the re-discovery of Jaques Station in June of 3302. Met up there with an inhabitant who Raenys only refers to as 'Dan'. She disappeared 17 months later, likely off to some lonely destination beyond the rim. Where and in what general direction is anybody's guess.

Father: In all likelihood Dan, but for all Raenys knows she could just as easily have simply been taken in by him. She'd learned not to ask, the man's obvious attempts at distraction and verbal evasive maneuvers are the stuff of near-mythical infamy. That said, she'd been with him on the cyborg-outfitted vessel since her earliest memories.

In recent years, Raenys has left her home territory for her own stake in life. Surveying water worlds, ferrying goods, and transporting the rich and famous are good money after all. But something still gnaws at her... as if the void itself were delving into her heart during these long and lonely treks. The woman went on to answer the call, though she is keen as of late on drawing herself back towards civilization and focusing on her goal of familial reconnections.

Outfitted with covert modular cybernetics, Raenys aims to make a name for herself while flitting amongst the stars before customizing her own expeditionary, transport, and courier services fleet. After that... who's to say? Maybe she'll upgrade herself to control multiple vessels at once, or maybe she'll keep exploring into old age. The only thing for certain is that deep, ever-familiar call into the unknown and strong ties to family.

Growing up between an aged, cyborg-enhanced station and the back of a rusty ol' DBX, which Dan lovingly referred to as 'Da Ex', Raenys learned a strong bias at an early age against the quiet, long waits and constant threat from raiders that is the mining experience. GalNet and her comms device became Raenys' best friend on those long, boring journeys, and the girl picked up a knack for troubleshooting the cross-wired mess that was the result of many years of Dan's DIY tinkering.

Eventually, Raenys took up work in a small team escorting short-to-mid range courier vessels. Hearing of wonders, myths, and tall tales among the stars inspired the young woman to someday take on her own expedition. She grew her skills, worked the available networks, and saved for the possibility of training with the pilot's federation. A break came when a CMDR passed through Jaques station looking to offload an abused, crisped Sidewinder. Raenys jumped at the opportunity to repair the extensive heat damage, if for not more than the learning experience and getting the long-lived pilot his full money's worth out of the old vessel. Intrigued by her perception, adaptability, and thoroughness; the elite sponsored her application and pointed her towards Dromi.

Upon achieving her certification, Raenys used her savings to purchase a gently used Cobra Mk. III. She spent a time raising funds and exploring the Bubble, before making the fateful decision to return home and remain aboard Jaques station for its infamous jump attempt. Following the station’s rediscovery and rehabilitation, Raenys made the journey back to the Bubble once again, this time taking some time off from piloting in favor of networking and an opportunity to take a gentler pace at life across a couple different planet-sides. However, the call of the unknown remained true and deep in her heart, and Raenys could not stay away from her ships forever.

Returning to the stars in June of 3305, Raenys has since traveled through the Pleiades, Witchhead, Running Man/Barnard’s Loop Region, Coalsack, and Lupus nebulae. She’s visited Lave and some Imperial outposts, though the woman’s mission to visit humanity’s homeworld remains a focal topic at this point in time. Her family’s history seems to create enemies hidden among otherwise friendly organizations, and only time will tell what unfolds on those matters.

Currently, Raenys has embarked on a solitary trek deep beyond the Bubble. Flying under the radar as best she can, it seems there is some kind of plan astir in her mind. Eventually, the woman plans to return en force to the bubble and make her way to a home away from home.

Permanent: Self-adaptive haptic system with user oversight parameters, User-adaptive neural link system, User-adaptive auditory feedback system, Self-adaptive communications system with user oversight parameters, Nanomedical and Nanotech devices with mixed Self-adaptive and user oversight parameters & User-adaptive control and feedback systems.

Impermanent (removable devices): Bionic contact lenses with multi-modal systems interface.

Additional Notes: All permanent systems include enhanced security features, some of which were tweaked by Jaques’ engineers, as well as other engineers and tradesmen. Impermanent systems have basic security features with some reinforcements added. Raenys' permanent modifications were first implanted in April of 3298, with ongoing tweaks and modifications since.

Raenys was raised on the belief that no one way of thinking or behavior is most effective for any given situation. This perspective is one that was strongly held among the inhabitants of Jaques station as the Cyborg-connected vessel flit amongst the stars, their community making their own way and resolving their own challenges for a significant period of time. Growing up, Raenys saw the value of camaraderie and tests of character associated with the mining culture; as well as the importance, complexities, and hurdles associated with engineering, research, and the management of people.

As such, Raenys typically falls along a spectrum of introversion to extroversion, generally favoring the latter; and holds a capacity to switch between a more serious, analytical mindset or a generally people-oriented, loose or self-decisive mindset. This last aspect of her personality can at times, have the CMDR come off as abrasive or pretentious, though her internal world is founded on compassion, cooperation, and character.

Holding true to the value of adaptability, Raenys’ mental perspectives typically fall into one of three primary categories, which influence her thoughts, actions, interactions, perception, and analysis. These three modes are:
  • Internalized analysis
  • Externalized analysis
  • Externalized interactive

Well-aware of the strengths and weaknesses of each category, Raenys adapts her mental outlook according to the situation she finds herself in, as well as her own preferences.

For a clearer definition of these varying outlooks, the 1,500 year old – though well researched – Myers Briggs typologies may be considered interchangeable for Raenys:

It should be considered that each of the above typologies do not neatly fall into any of the mental outlooks, nor is it always clear – even to a trained eye – as to which typology or outlook is predominant in Raenys at any given time. On occasion she will, however, take an action that may make this self-evident. This multi-modal approach is also tied into her own modifications, designed to seamlessly adapt or be tweaked in real-time or as needed.