Personal content

Real name
Place of birth
Year of birth
Build type
Skin color
Hair color
Eye color
I was born in the star system of Synteini,

Mine father Fransiscus of Amsterdam did never reveal something about mine mother,
He did send me to a private school and when I became 12 i did get a private teacher, he needed to prepare me for the future taking over the family business.

In mine spare time i did read all about the stars and planets and mine personal hero was Joan Blaeu,

Mine father took me to Lagerkvist Gateway, a special section of this station was special reserved for him.
Ships were everywhere from sidewinders to several anaconda's, proud he did tell me once this all will be owned by you when you step with me in our family business.

But I did not feel much for it, when  mine father walked away to take care of several tasks I did walk to one of the smallest ship,
I thought that must not be difficult to fly I opened and did read flight check, I pushed the button and  the ship was activated,
I pushed another button automatic undock and the ship did lift off, I plotted a course to the borders of outer space

Flying was not a skill, after flying a while I crashed mine ship on the docks of a space station earning a fine of 200CR.
The insurance company did send the replacement ship back to my father the owner of the ship.
I decided to take a job that i would earn enough money for buying a new ship

11 april 3301 came the time I earned enough money to fly away with a Sidewinder and 1000CR
In the meanwhile I learned to flly better so for now all fine still lacking combat skills.

A mutual agreement with Zemina Torval, Rudolphus became a Multi-Multi Billionaire independent to finance his own Explorer expeditions


17 april 3301 was a day of joy, did store away mine heavy bumped Sidewinder because the shipyard would not give something in return for it.
Bought a used Adder from the money that I scraped together with scanning star systems with a basic discovery scanner.

I plotted a course to unknown star systems.
22-5-3301 I was honored by the explorer society with title Ranger, after a journey of 15000ly
22-3-3302 did take a trip towards the Formidine Rift and back a journey of 50000LY

** Empire Rank**

24-5-3301 I was summoned to Achenar to show mine loyalty to the Empire when I arrived they gave me the title Master.
31-5-3301 I was summoned to Summerland and gained the rank Lord
2-6-3301 Because of taken out a enemy of the Empire I gained the rank Baron.
28-6-3301 Promoted to Viscount by the Empire because of doing allot of charity work


3-6-3301 Started trading to get funds ready to support the Empire in their battles
12-9-3301 The day I became Elite Trader


6-6-3301 Because of mine own philosophy and background I pledged to Zemina Torval,
18-6 3301 Bought a Imperial Clipper named it Black Hope(Zwarte Hoop)