Personal content

Real name
Gavin Magnus
Place of birth
Year of birth
180 cm / 5' 11"
112 kg / 247 lb
Build type
Skin color
Hair color
Eye color
Kingdom of Bracada
Gavin Magnus the Peaceful
King of Bracada

Gavin Magnus was among the magnates who dedicated four years to strengthening the Empire as the cradle of wealth and prosperity. In early 3306, Magnus returned to the snow-capped mountains of Bracada to manage his considerable estate.

Gavin Magnus claims he's from another world but cannot remember how he came to this universe. He resides in the Kingdom of Bracada on planet [REDACTED] in the [REDACTED] system, neighbouring the Imperial space. While the honour of the title of King was bestowed upon him during his time with the Empire, he had governed the land of Bracada long before then; more clues towards Magnus's mysterious origin. The kingdom's structure was designed to meet the needs of its inhabitants and, at the same time, be an effective part of Imperial society and enterprises. Bracada's three megacity clusters span almost a half of its territory and are magnificent in their seeming endlessness. Each cluster is an economic, social and cultural hub on its own. Due to the failure of early terraformation attempts of [REDACTED], climate in Bracada is uncharacteristically harsh with cold snowy winters almost all year round.

Before taking up politics, Magnus entered military service under the Imperial Internal Security Service and spent his first years ascending through the ranks in a military base on Peter's Wreck in the Facece system. The proximity to the IISS allowed him to work with the most stern and pedantic taskmasters, which eventually brought him into a contact with several key figures in high places and even in the Imperial Senate.

Magnus's relationship with the Empire was balanced with a strong dose of pragmatism. Seeing conspiracies everywhere, he kept a keen eye on everyone under his command. This attitude brought him many incredible victories, but his tragic failures have been just as remarkable. In the wake of the 3228 Alioth revolt, the word spread that Magnus would sacrifice men to help put it down if need be. Many Imperial troops were wiped out during that uprising, including his own. Eventually, Magnus's duties were limited to providing strategic advice. Following the unsuccessful end of a military career, after a long gap, Magnus became a licensed commander with the Pilots Federation.

After acquiring the Founders World permit in 3301, Magnus came together with his fellow Pilots Federation commanders: CMDR Daniel Huffman and CMDR Robotic Hippie, a privateer and a bounty hunter from Patreus's space willing to go anywhere for a new find. Together they travelled extensively over the years and devoted hundreds of hours to bounty hunting and trading, providing their adventurous spirit to any and all worthy causes. Having learnt some of each other's darkest secrets, they would later form an economic alliance, which would eventually evolve into a wing of nine. During this time Magnus not only acquired extensive knowledge about transformation of metals and materials, but he learnt just how strong and determined another commander can be.

In 3303, Magnus entered a corporate conglomerate founded by Imperial industrialists, investors, lords, oligarchs and other people of influence who made an impact on the prosperity of core Imperial systems such as Laedla, Baal, Futhark, Cemiess, Cubeo, Primi, Delta Phoenicis and others. Magnus amplified the benefits of his massive estate to propel Imperial refinery industry further forward. Specialised in precious metal recovery and refining, he sought to strengthen the Empire as the cradle of wealth and prosperity through metallurgical research and engineering. He was also closely involved in financing the development of advanced processing plants and megaship hull alloys, which, following the 3304-3305 breakthroughs in extraction and mining technologies, were distributed throughout the Imperial space. The conglomerate's biggest exports were the refined precious metals: palladium, gold, silver and titanium. New fleets of mobile refineries and megaships were rapidly being constructed to transport these precious metals to the industries that use them in their products and services. Magnus personally oversaw the planning and construction of six megaship class vessels:

DEL-120 Aquarius-class Tanker
CUB-540 Thomas-class Hauler
CEM-620 Aquarius-class Tanker
FUT-099 Hercules-class Hauler
BAA-923 Hercules-class Hauler
LAE-456 Banner-class Hauler

The Aluriates system, ravaged by the industrial war at the time, received two custom science vessels from the conglomerate to aid for post-disaster infrastructure recovery: ALU-352 Freedom-class Surveyor and ALU-624 Banner-class Hauler. Impressed by the Aluriates Senator's, Lady Erika Wagner, exemplary leadership and a string of victories in unseating the corrupt officials responsible for instigating the conflict on Aluriates, Magnus offered her the High Steward position in 3305. Almost a year later, she would become an Ambassador Plenipotentiary, and an alliance between Aluriates and Bracada would be formed.

By the end of 3305, Magnus had parted with the Imperial corporate world for an unspoken reason and retreated to the Trojan Belt region, putting himself on a strict regimen of study and research. In early 3306, he returned to [REDACTED]. He sits in his tower and stares out of the window, catatonically, as if awaiting something.