Personal content

Real name
Place of birth
Year of birth
177.8 cm / 5' 10"
65.7 kg / 145 lb
Build type
Skin color
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Eye color
He awoke in the wreckage of a Bekket Class Science Vessal, drifting in space in the Pleiades. His memory was more holes than anything. A distress beacon chimes nearby, it was damage and the power was low. Kreada looked around him in a confused panic as loud clanging noises came from the bulkhead. He placed his helmet on, sealed it, and grabbed a spare oxygen tank. Giving a last look around he saw several small data storage devices which he quickly hid inside his suit just before the hull was ripped open by the search and rescue crew.

Though aged, this was were his life began.

Kreada could not remember his life before waking in the wreckage but the data storage devices he managed to salvage before his rescue gave him some hints to who he once was. He had been a scientist, xeno-studies were his interest. The megaship he had been one was studying Thargoids. Dangerous work to be sure but more dangerous was how they were studying the aliens. Kreada and his team had established a sort of trade system in which they would leave various goods adrift in space that they had learned the Thargoids had interest in. Scouts would come, then interceptors. Eventually a few particular repeat visitors would leave meta alloys and other objects behind.

It was a tentative relationship, every day Kreada and his team were certain the Thargoids would kill them. They were made more certain every time a swarm was released. But then the cargo was collected. A trinket was tossed out. The swarms would be recalled. The thargoids would leave and everyone would be alive.

Kreada had been tossing the idea around of putting a camera among a supply drop or maybe even floating out there himself when an alarm sounded throughout the ship. He was recording his thoughts at the time and so he had a fairly detailed account of the attack. There was the immediate thought of the Thargoids but sensors data showed otherwise. Human ships came from the black of space in silent running. A swift stealth run saw the few defenses of the science vessel crippled. Destruction followed.

After his rescue he found that all record of his ship, his crew, their research, and even his name were scrubbed from all public records within the Federation, Empire, and Alliance space. He continues his search within the service of the various Galactic Powers though he has given up hope of learning who he was and who attacked him. He could guess why. The powers that be refuse the entertainment the idea of peaceful relations with the Thargoids. Humanity attempted genocide in these alien people and want to cover up anything that would prove the heinous act was unnecessary.

Also in his pursuit of his past he worked for a patronage of the Empire known as Tai Sheshy Empire Pact. The Rutland Knights were formed. They fought a small war against a religious zealot cult known as Sacra Oculus. It was during TSEP’s expansion into new territory when the leader of TSEP was revealed to be making secret and shady deals with Sacra. Kreada joined up with several other pilots.

The Empire Technology and Trade Institute was soon founded in Huang Gun as a school for pilots who seek to learn all aspects of the universe we live in. The squadron Empire Tech and Trade Institute was formed to be the working arm of this new faction.