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CMDR R3D_Dawn here Thank You For Taking Your Time and Checking Out My Profile.

A PVE player, a Independent commander confined to PVE/Friends only Environment. Playing most of the time and having fun

Home/Work System : [HIP 110248]

Business Ventures : -

Trading Company : R3d_Dawn's Space Logistics  

Space Tours : RD's Space Tours  [Taking Galactic Citizens On Their Dream Destination]

Wing Fleet -

Ship Names Legends :

Ship Sign : Flag Ship is the trademark used for ship which is used as a current ship by the CEO/Owner of the company

Pride Of Dawn : [Shipname] Class A  / Class B / Class C  / Class D / Class E

Roles :
MUV - Multi Utility Vessel
TUV - Trade Utility Vessel
EUXV - Explorer Utility Vessel
MIV - Mining Vessel
FCV - Fighter Class Vessel
CCV - Common Class Vessel.

Ship in Type A  [Anaconda/Cutter/Federal Corvette/Fer-De-Lance/Clipper/Python/Beluga Liner]
Ship in Type B  [ASP Explorer/Federal Assault/Federal Dropship/Federal Gunship/Vulture/Orca]
Ship in Type C  [Cobra MKIII/Diamondback Explorer/Viper MKIV]
Ship in Type D  [Type 6,7,9/Keelback Orca/ASP Scout/Diamondback Scout/Viper]