Personal content

Real name
Johnson Shwart Thyr
Place of birth
Year of birth
176 cm / 5' 9"
75 kg / 165 lb
Build type
Skin color
Hair color
Eye color
I was born ten thousand years ago. And there is nothing in the universe that does not know too much.
Empires, federations, kings, rulers, all as ephemeral as a flower.
Which, on the one hand, holds rare beauty, on the other, may present deadly thorns.
So my existence searches for the infinite. There, all emptiness of existence will finally be quenched.
While traversing this immense void, permeated by infinite grains of dust, I have often come across useful elements to produce an armor minimally suited to the moment and situation, and for that very reason it is never ready.
At the same time, new stars appear, illuminating new and surprising paths to the unknown.
I've been in the rise and fall of many. I watched your vainglory and your miserable falls. Sometimes leaving traces of their brief passages, sometimes leaving nothing. In any case, the search, the mystery has always fascinated me. And that is why I subsist, feeding on these little crumbs of knowledge.
If anyone doubts, I challenge to prove otherwise.
So I witnessed the cavemen who, after discovering the fire, set out on a journey of immense transformations. Passing through the domain of agriculture, chipped stone, after the function in the ages of metals and the first wars! Diplomacy came only long after the bloody battles for power. Writing helped a lot, and little by little those cave dwellers became scholars and traded their bladed weapons for words, but greed for conquest still persisted! And a new guise emerged, driven by firearms and mass production! That was how Atomic Age came about! It is already in childhood humanity already showed its face of evil! In the meantime, I was watching ....

At first when I noticed that there was something different about me, I was happy, however, with the passing of the years everything started to bore me. Great events that I saw if you want to come close to surprising me.
It was like that in the construction of the great pyramid and the great wonders of the ancient world.
However, I found some motivation in ancient Greece in endless and witty conversations with Socrates and others from the idealist school. I told them the story of the cave, not exactly as it had happened ten thousand years ago, but as I have noticed, an allegory, the "allegory of the cave". There, too, I found a lot of disappointment when I witnessed the trial of my friend Socrates, tried by a child jury, with the confectioner as an accuser and the doctor as a defense lawyer, insisting on the bitter medicine for infants to the detriment of the confectioner's treats! Flattery! Everything orchestrated by the miserable sophists, who although humiliated in our debates, and clinging to their pseudo intelligence, slightly superior to the great mass of imebecis, and armed with nothing but flattery! It was sad to see the victory of the sophists and even sadder to witness the incorporation of their ideals throughout society. I found some hope much later with my friend Giordano Brunno.
In this very disappointed time, I left for the east, in search of new airs, I enjoyed oriental philosophy, I became a Shaolim monk.
Much later, while the world was concerned with "civilizing", I was concerned with intellectual improvement. I still follow this path to this day, and I cannot help observing that in the process of "civilizing", humankind went in the opposite direction when it comes to intelligence. Many will say that I am lying, forgetting the great deeds of humanity! In fact, I have to recognize that much has been achieved, notably in the field of exact sciences. However, the treatment of "human" issues remains the same as far as I remember, the one I experienced in the caves ten thousand years ago. For those who disagree, I remind you of the terms used during the flourishing of "humanity". Terms like "human rights" (instead of "worldly rights" - more appropriate), progress (instead of "devastation" ) , order (instead of anarchy ".
It is as my old friend Albert said: "the concept of the infinite is very complicated, to understand it nothing better than to exemplify, so the universe can be described. Just as human stupidity is infinite. I have doubts about the first ...". With all this, it's amazing how the world continued to turn And thanks to development, "light came on" and existence is no longer confined to the already sick, beaten and poor home planet. However, I cannot complain about this development. I searched for these explanations all over the home world, without success. I even thought about giving up. However, the new space scenario brought endless search possibilities. Today it is the source of my motivation.