Personal content

Real name
Bin Ban Bongorin
Place of birth
Year of birth
179 cm / 5' 10"
86 kg / 190 lb
Build type
Skin color
Hair color
Dark Blonde
Eye color
Slavic Origin, subtle
Bin Ban Bongorin was born at Ray Station, Diaguandri System, on December 8th, 3278. He spent most of his childhood as any child born on the fringes of The Bubble would have, staring out into the blackness of space from his living quarter's reinforced glass panels. While civility was present here, things were a little less organized and more hectic than in the beating heart of Alliance space. Pirates were a common sight, station emergencies were common, minor factions were constantly fighting for control and politicking, all while the threat of thargoids was cemented in the back of everyone's mind. Bin Ban's parents weren't around too often, his mother working in station administration, and his father working as a civilian transport pilot. It was his mother's fascination with social machinations and his fathers love for the mysteries of space that manifested in the form of a deep and sincere obsession with the universe outside Ray Station. Bin Ban read stories of famed explorers, the first thargoid wars, and the massive expeditions of humanity's earliest steps into the far reaches of the Milky Way. He became fascinated with physics and black holes, and started to view the universe with a serious curiosity. When Bin Ban was 12, his father was killed in a terrible pirate attack while away from home. His mother did her best to support their little family, but they struggled. When he was 16, Bin Ban started to work with a local freight company as a dock worker. It wasn't long before his communication skills and hard work carried him to a managerial position. He spent a few years at a desk, and did fairly well for himself, but his window still looked into space; space waiting to be explored.

When he was 26, Bin Ban took his entire savings and purchased a Dolphin to start his own freelance tourism and transportation service, with a focus on journeys past The Bubble. It was on one of these expeditions that the Void reached out to him. As he got closer and closer to the Void, to the space between the stars, he began to get glimpses of the wonders and treasures of the galaxy, and he started to develop an insatiable urge to explore; to throw himself into the black and never look back.

At 28, Bin Ban, called Bingo Bango now by those who knew him, found work as a researcher for a fringe religious group, known as The Order of Enblackenment. At first it was simply a way to make ends meet and to try and begin a career as an explorer, but it wasn't long before the psalms and teachings and dialogues of his passengers began to sway him. Their words and wisdom began to help Bingo make a little more sense of his calling and his place in this galaxy. He began to fall deeply into their scripture and worked passionately to further the cause of The Order. He had found purpose. The Void had beckoned to him, and he was eager to answer the call.