Personal content

Real name
Alfred Novus Uebis
Place of birth
Year of birth
189 cm / 6' 2"
90 kg / 198 lb
Build type
Skin color
Hair color
Eye color
Alfred Novus Uebis was born in 3275 on the beautiful, Earth-like planet of -redacted- deep within Imperial Space.
He was the son of Lord -redacted- Uebis. Lord Uebis was an imperial Client, representing several cities on his home planet.

Not much is known about Alfred's childhood. His Mother fell victim to a pirate attack and died in 3295. Since then, Alfred's hate on pirates and anarchists became a burning flame of righteous zeal. Hence, he dropped his scientific career and joined the imperial military when he was 21 years old, a decision that his father, a pacifist, was not fond of.

Military Service

During his training as a pilot, Alfred had a rough start, accidentally boosting a Sidewinder into a landing pad inside a Corolis station. He barely survived the incident, but kept a cybernetic eye implant from it. Since then, friends called him by his now well deserved nickname "aNOOBis".

He made up for his initial clumsiness, later becoming a skilled pilot and special operative, quickly climbing the ranks. He was awarded the rank of Prince before he quit his service for unknown reasons.

Working undercover

Not much is know about Alfred's life after his military service. Rumors say, that he finally came to terms with his father, now an imperial Patron.
Later on, Alfred was spotted piloting an Asp Explorer, the L.A.S. Valentine, carrying imperial slaves.
No doubt he was caught up in shady businesses and there are people silently theorizing that he probably worked undercover for his father.


In 3301, turmoil befell the Empire, as Emperor Hengist Duval was murdered. During these turbulent times, Alfred's father, Lord Uebis, died as his transport ship suddenly exploded during a flight to Archenar, where Lord Uebis planned to attend a Meeting at the Imperal Senate.
The incident was filed as an accident due to a malfunction as Senator Patreus took care of Lord Uebis' System, [redacted].

At the same time, the L.A.S. Valentine was reported destroyed in a remote asteroid belt by anarchists. Alfred Novus Uebis was presumed dead. The anarchists were later caught and brought to justice by Patreus' forces.

However, there are some that believe that the L.A.S. Valentine somehow escaped (and that tale might be uncovered soon), which would of course imply that the independent CMDR, Lord_aNOOBis, might be in fact Lord Alfred Novus Uebis...


In Feb 3302, roughly a year after SEPP was founded by Kancro Vantas, an unknown Commander Lord_aNOOBis arrived at Finney Dock in ELEU and was introduced as a new SEPP Commander. He pledged to protect the people under the care of the Social Eleu Progressive Party and made himself known rather quickly, swiftly liberating the System KPANIYA from the oppressive Kpaniya Blue Posse. An election was held a wekk later, wherein SEPP won a landslide victory against the other local factions.

In March 3302, SEPP had expanded and Lord_aNOOBis was promoted to SEPP Captain. He was awarded with his flagship to date, the S.T.O. Daedalus.
He founded the Tactical Operations Unit (=TOU=), a SEPP wing focused on swift and covert operations to shield the people in SEPP space from various threads. And many threads they fought...

Lord_aNOOBis was Captain during the long and tiresome "20 OPHIUCHI war", campaigned hard during the Dangerous Games and participated in the Christmas Carriers Convoy (CCC). The newly built long-range exploration ship S.E.S. Pendragon brought many goods to Jaques Station.
During these travels, aNOOBis discovered first hand what his friends at SEPP had already told him: the beauty of exploring the unknown, "to boldly go where no man has gone before".


Shortly after, SEPP established a foothold in the new found human colony called "Colonia". Explorers' Nation was born in the system UNION, a true haven for explorers. Lord_aNOOBis fell in love with the rather peaceful life in Colonia and gladly accepted a promotion to SEPP General in charge of the colony.
Under his command, EN recon forces quickly ousted the Nameless, an anarchy faction from the neighboring system of CARCOSA, like he did earlier. Tho this would have severe consequences later on.
EN was also put in charge of the Systems COEUS, EINHERIAR and SOLLARO. Several insurgents siding with the Nameless tried to attack CARCOSA but were defeated by the =TOU=. Colonia was at peace and aNOOBis left to the bubble to prepare for participation in the DW2 Expedition.


However, this peace was not to stay. Lord_aNOOBis' past creeped up to him, as a close friend and imperial Soldier found and attacked him at Finney Dock in ELEU. As the fight escalated into hand-to-hand combat, aNOOBis was forced to kill his former friend with a pencil. Guilt over his past violent actions crushed Alfred. Personal at Finney Dock reports, that Jonathan Frazer, aNOOBis' second-in-command, had to stun him to prevent worse.
Both were seen boarding the S.E.S. Pendragon and disappeared into the black in August 3305, never to be seen again...

... UNTIL!! ...

(to be continued)