Personal content

Real name
Peter "Cobra"
Place of birth
Year of birth
1.7 cm / 0' 1"
82 kg / 181 lb
Build type
Skin color
White (not literal white)
Hair color
Brown black (with hint of white)
Eye color
Green, brown, blue, yellow (they change, my luck)
Know 3 universal languages
Peter aka "Cobra" was born on Sol, rumor has it that he was in a plane crash with this parents during a travel in their private plane, both his parents died on impact but he survived. He was able to traverse the wilderness for several weeks until he found a small village. The elders healed him back to health, took him in as their own and taught him the ways of the wild and sensing nature and how everything is entangled in the universe. After growing up he then enlisted as a crewman aboard a ship as a Chef. His knowledge of the stars taught by the village elders helped him to be noticed and was requested to enroll as Navigation officer. After several years as a Navigator he bought a little sidewinder for himself and went into deep space to do his own thing. Since then only rumored sightings of him has been talked about in the galaxy, in much bigger ships then he started out...