Personal content

Real name
Robin Johansson
Place of birth
Year of birth
184 cm / 6' 0"
61 kg / 134 lb
Build type
Slim, but healthly, although not athletic
Skin color
Hair color
Dark brown
Eye color
English/British, cultured accent
Robin Alexander Johansson was the second of two children born to Adam and Venetia Johansson of Achenar. His older brother was famed Imperial combat pilot Xavier Johansson (b. April 6, 3275, d. October 25, 3302) who was eight years his senior.  

Born of an old-money aristocratic family, he was expected to eat up Imperial propaganda spoon-fed to him by his strongly Imperialist parents.
The Johansson political family, reaching back generations, was expected to set the youngest Johansson on the straight and narrow path of law, politics, or a career in the Imperial Navy, like his brother, who was tragically killed in an alleged FSD-drive malfunction off the Pleiades Nebula in 3302.

So naturally, in 3304, the little bastard purchased a one-way ticket to Scori, passed a Pilots' Federation test under Theodore Arcosta (Examiner #5594) and set out into the universe in a Sidewinder to make his fortune. He was quickly disowned by his parents, who pretended he had died in a solar-skimming accident to hush his disappearance up from the media, which suited Robin just fine. The young Johansson disguised himself as 'Marty McFly' from an old Terran vid he'd watched once, and soon became associated with Federative powers in and around the Federation Core Systems, making a name for himself as a young, genial explorer and trader who was happy to fly off and shoot down any wrongful pirates, often helping out crippled ships for nothing more than a mug of sweet Lavian Brandy, or a hot mug of camomile tea.

Despite his repeated insistence on a pacifist stance, it was clear he retained some of his late brother's flight skill, although he preferred to use this for evasion and exploration rather than open combat. After drifting aimlessly around and building up a small fortune to his name, in September 3305 he joined the Federation-aligned interstellar squadron 'Knights Of The Earth.' After a three week, 8,700 light-year expedition to over 50 systems, some of which he was the first to map and discover, he returned home, and contracted himself out to Barnard's Star Advanced Corp. and the Labour Party of 70 Ophiuchi for trading, commodity delivery and exploration. He is currently sponsored by Universal Cartographics on an exploration route, and is preparing to leave Ross 154 and the Bubble for the wider cosmos.