Personal content

Real name
Place of birth
Year of birth
Build type
Skin color
Hair color
Eye color
Niatra grew up on topaz in the facece system.
His parents were average people in the empire, not outstanding in any way, but their skills in their field of expertise.
Before his 10th birthday, Niatra experienced serious issues with the heart and collapsed several times, during normal childhood.
Though very costly, his mother took all necessary steps to grow a clone to, in case something happened, repair Niatra’s internal organs.
This clone never found any use as the heart issues vanished like they had never existed and he therefore lived along as Niatra’s younger twin.

Soon, the nearly grown man discovered the desire for honour, strategy and purpose and therefore found himself in the outsider ranks of the imperial academy on peter’s base.
The training was hard, but swiftly, Niatra managed to achieve the rank of Master and gain allowance to command a small Imperial Courier at the young age of 19 years.
In this vessel, he skyrocketed himself to the imperial agency of the diplomatic fleet as a freshly assigned duke, fighting hundreds of wars for imperial factions.
Within the INDC, Niatra got assigned to the Reinforcement and Resupply fleet and carried nearly 100,000 tons of goods for the creation of a new Majestic class in spring of 3302.

In recognition of his outstanding service, he got moved to a more outgoing position, at Paladin Consortium in LFT 37.
There, assisting the Paladin’s, he swiftly got attention of leadership,
being granted the role of a Deputy Fleet Commander to ensure close and
sound work and operations of the Empire and Paladin Consortium in the future.