Personal content

Real name
Elias Green
Place of birth
Year of birth
180 cm / 5' 11"
82 kg / 181 lb
Build type
Muscular; Athletic
Skin color
Hair color
Eye color

.                                                                                                         LAST-FIRE ENTERPRISES

Founded by Elias Green, Lacey Wales, and Amy Linn in 3300, Last-Fire Enterprises began as a simple contracting company providing a small range of services in the systems surrounding Caeritis. The company has grown through the years and broadened its services into nearly every imaginable aspect and now has a presence throughout the Bubble. Provided below is a brief history of the founding members and the company's origins.

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Lacey Wales began her career as an fighter pilot running escort missions out of Trihn Terminal in the Tsondama System. During one haul in the 63 Chi Leonis system, Lacey was escorting a fuel freighter when the ship was interdicted and completely overwhelmed. Lacey managed to fight off the attackers but the badly damaged freighter exploded sending what was left of her Eagle spinning out into the darkness. When the authority vessels responded to the freighters distress beacon, they found Lacey clinging to life in her cockpit. The canopy had been completely crushed nearly killing her and badly lacerating her face. She was taken to Rzeppa Hub for medical treatment. Unable to afford regrowth therapies, she was fitted with an ocular prosthetic. In the time it took her to recover her former employer went under. Out of work Lacey began to look for anything she could and eventually signed onto an exploration crew.


Elias Green began his career as a data courier but soon began working side jobs as a crewmember for the Wolf 397 Universal Cartography Service. He and Lacey happened to cross paths when they were both assigned to a route survey ship charting shipping routes to the Witch Head enclave. After several weeks together, the two became good friends and made plans to start their own company. Several months and multiple assignments later the two pooled their credits to purchase an Alliance Chieftain which they dubbed the Umbral Knight (K-522).  They became independent contractors and began to take on missions ranging from cargo delivery to security details.

After some time operating inside the bubble, Elias and Lacey were approached by one of their former employers regarding a exploration contract of the area surrounding the California Nebula. As part of the contract they received an advance with which they purchased a Diamondback Explorer. In the newly christened Verdant Pilgrim (WG-702) they set out on a months-long maiden voyage through the stars.


Amy Linn attended the Alliance University in Alioth where she majored in Astro-Geology. She interned and was later hired as a consultant for the Enayex Silver Public Holdings (ESPH) mining department. Though the job paid well, there were frequents disputes and violent encounters with rival companies. Amy quietly began looking for a way to leave the company.

On 18 JAN 3300 while the Umbral Knight was delivering cargo to Watt Port in Enayex, Elias and Lacey happened to witness an ESPH vessel being attacked by a rival group’s thugs. The two rushed to help and were able to pull Amy from the burning wreckage of the ship. After fighting off the attackers and escaping into space, Amy told them of her situation.

Elias offered her a position working with him and Lacey which she gladly accepted. After submitting her resignation, she became the third member of the crew bringing with her expertise in mining. Shortly thereafter the group added the Asp Explorer Pitman's Vision (MV-863) to their fleet, which they retrofitted as a mining vessel. With big plans and unstoppable determination they spent several months mining and conducting missions building up capital for their next move.

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With Elias’s background in exploration and knowledge of galactic markets, Lacey’s combat experience, and Amy’s skill in analyzing mineral dispersion patterns, the group founded Last-Fire Enterprises on 21 JUN 3300. They initially provided services in Bounty Hunting, Cartography, and Resource Prospecting, but as they hired more commanders and took on more missions the skill set of the company expanded. In the years that followed the company began taking on a wide variety of missions throughout the Bubble.

On 27 MAR 3306 Last-Fire underwent a company restructure. It was  segmented into multiple divisions each dealing with a specific mission aspect. Elias, Lacey, and Amy retained executive control over the company, but appointed division managers to oversee the different mission sets.

It was recognized that the most valuable resource that Last-Fire Enterprises had accumulated was the vast knowledge of the commanders it employed. The most lasting impact this restructure had was the creation of the Training Solutions Division. Under Training Solutions new commanders could sign up to fly with and learn under a veteran commander in the aspect of their choosing.

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Last-Fire Enterprises is currently based out of Bernoulli Vision in the Caeritis System. Elias, Lacey, and Amy personally oversee the Training Solutions Division, but still take on missions across the galaxy.