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Real name
Place of birth
Year of birth
180 cm / 5' 11"
85 kg / 187 lb
Build type
Skin color
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Eye color
Yeah you are right, this is an Imperial accent. I was born in Cubeo. Ever since I was a small boy wanted to venture out into the stars, so I enlisted in the Imperial Navy and became a fighter pilot. Got quite good too, but found navy life didn’t suit me really. Too many by the book types. So I mustered out when I could. Thought that was the end of my star faring days, but as luck would have it I was left a beat up old Cobra Mk3. Man I loved that ship. Still remember the cream coloured console with red and black keys! By the time I had finished upgrading her, she had a real iron ass! That must be all of 36 years ago now. Travelled all over, fighting, trading and bounty hunting. Got to Elite.
It is funny how things catch up with you though. Just when I thought I had said goodbye to the navy forever, as my reserve status was about expire the whole alien situation blew up. Found myself back on a carrier. Technically the Tiger’s Claw was a Federation ship, but we all part of some top secret joint force! Good times with some great pilots. Bossman, Angel, Hunter, Paladin, Spirit, Knight and even the Maniac. When that was done and I was a free agent again, bummed around the Galaxy for a bit, but finally settled in Arque, Austen Station is my home now. Joined up with some Alliance dudes from the Alliance Rapid Reaction Force, which is based next door in Zaonce. They don’t seem to mind an old buffer like me hanging around and I can still teach those rookies a thing or two.
Why F4fred? It is my old navy call sign. Name just stuck! Anyway things to do. I will see you around kid. o7Cmdr!