Personal content

Real name
Dragonis Morningstar
Place of birth
Year of birth
213 cm / 7' 0"
89 kg / 196 lb
Build type
muscular, unnaturaly strong and agile
Skin color
tanned white
Hair color
Eye color
crimsom red
Dragonis morningstar is a 213 cm tall male with crimsom red eyes and black hair.

At around year 3150 he was found in a unknown spaceship by a nomadic dredger clan whitch name or location he refused to reveal.
Sadly the only information about his origin the dredger clan were able to discover before they trigered the unknown ships self-destruct system was that drago was born on a planet of Arcadia whitch there arent any information about the location of and drago wasnt able to remember anything about himself as well as he suffered amnesia due to unknown cause.
The dredger clan decided to save Dragonis and intengrate him into their society as that way the could study him better to whitch he didnt object as the clan had a culture situated about combat and to quote "spirit stuff" but later left the clan after being dissapointed by the innability of the clan to answer his questions about his origin.
After learning everything he could about ships and engineering he fixed an old sidewinder the clan had no use for. When was ready to leave Dragonis who the members of the dredger clan nicknamed Dredd (due to his strong belief in his own kind of justice), he had one last chalenge and that was to beat the clans leader in hand-to-hand combat whitch even tho he was somehow much stronger that anyone else on the dredger proved to be difficult for him but he managed to outlast the leader due to his better stamina and was alowed to leave.

After traveling trough the galaxy for several months he stumbled on a remote independent outpost where he learned about the current state of the human race and its war with thargoids and managed to make enought money for a better ship by offering his expertise as an engineer and combat instructor and later he left the outpost and headed for the bubble.

After many unsucessfull atempts to join expeditions to explore the galaxy and hopefully find his origin he was contacted by a high ranking officer in (undisclosed) navy and was offered a job as experimental craft pilot whitch he gladly accepted happy to finaly have something to do (i should also mention that Drago doesnt seem to age for unknow reason even he doenst know)
Trought the years of testing often extremely dangerous spacecraft he became known amongst the other pilots as expert pilot and for his cold headedness even in extreme situations and mainly his for ability to seemingly survive any accident no matter how lethal.

After the dispanding of his unit Drago became a gun for hire and in this position he fought in small in-system conflict to an all out interstellar wars where he perfected his trade of combat flying

But even when doing something as thriling as waging wars he felt...empty and aimless so he decided to change his way of life and got a pilots federation license and became a free commander and some time later he was invited by another commander, Hark Pendragon to join a new squadron : Albion interstellar to whitch he agreed as he liked the idea of finaly "not taking lives only just so others can fill their wallets but so i can help everyone" ....later he was accepted into the squadron where he is curently flying as combat pilot but he often does SaR, humanitarian help and fights thargoids as well