Personal content

Real name
Inno Ete Grave
Place of birth
Year of birth
178 cm / 5' 10"
230 kg / 507 lb
Build type
Skin color
Mocha Brown
Hair color
Eye color
English varies Irish/Scottish when mad or drunk
The galaxy the large open void, some believe it has treasures waiting to be discovered. Others believed it has horrors waiting to be unleashed. Even dreams can become nightmares it would seem and sometimes nightmares can become dreams. Within a star system that has two stars this would be it. The planet is unknown to some and only a waste to others as levels of criminal active grows and pirates come with smugglers to kidnap those looking for a quick bit of credits. A young child named Inno would come into play here. As he was born on this nightmarish planet to a family he knew barely about. Growing up to survive was hard enough even more so when the time came. That was the moment the nightmare became hell.

Attacked by smugglers the young child had no strength nor will to fight against them. As though he was a doll lifted up and thrown into a vehicle. The loud banging of metal could be heard but nothing could be seen. Bond by the wrist and ankles Inno could not escape nor did he even try to. Trying to get visual on things did not matter either as the shroud of darkness was around him. It was the breath came the feeling something wrapping around his neck started. What was this feeling? He never had it until now he felt his lungs rapidly change from inhaling and exhaling. The meeting of death itself was not in the mind of Inno. Upon the truck stopping he was freed from the grip of death. To which the doors swung open quickly and light flooded the area.

Blinded Inno only heard the voice of some gentlemen talking but one stuck out like a black dot on a white background. Listening carefully the rough sound of the man’s voice it seemed to bug Inno as the person seemed to use words even Inno did not grasp. ‘Alas, you have disappointed me yet again. How is it that our organizations seem to work so well together for certain inquiries. Yet this request that even low rank could pull off seems quite difficult for men of your caliber. Do not misunderstand the message when I spoke over the Syscoms. I said the request was suppose to be doubled; for you all to make return on the debt that you owe.’

As Inno’s eyes were adjusting it would not matter as much as the cloth over his eyes still was covered. Hearing was of no problem though for sure it was until a loud banging of metal was heard coming near. Small vibrations was felt shaking through the vehicle as it came sudden, the loud voice that spoke this time through even Inno off as it had an strong accent he’s never heard before, ‘Oi lookie here thee only person to talk to my crew like that is me. If ye don’t want the baggage fine ye take em. We’ll make the quota for ye later on but remember this we’ll pay for our debt to your little power.’ During the talking it seemed to stop in silence for a bit as Inno felt hands grip and lift him.

A gesture had been given to get the child and throw him elsewhere. To which the next place seemed only to be a new level of hell. As he would feel the grips loosen, air would flow and the rising in his stomach would soon drop like a rock landing on something metal to which a small gasp was heard and the light that was around would vanish again. Pain surged though his body from the back spreading like a ripple. The thought of pain stopped by the sudden shock of multiple hands feeling lightly on his body. Could Inno yell for help, would it even matter, he had nobody save him when the men took him as even the adults watched laughing enjoying themselves. The fear came crashing again this time the figure of death would seem to appear smiling as it reached for Inno’s neck this time.

Wanting to cry, wanting to even yell only silence fell on the young child. The shroud of darkness was lifted as he was able to glance upwards to seeing a figure. It was not death but another child looking down at him. The binds that held him were removed leaving marks on him. One child leaned over whispering, ‘Can you talk?’ Inno was shaking from the rush of fear was unsure on what to do next but only nodded slowly. The child was starting to come into view with little light they had and it was another young boy same height and if not older then the same age as Inno. ‘Good, gotta name or something?’ Inno struggled to get his voice heard but slowly muttered under his breath. ‘I-Inno.’ The boy was left puzzled staring saying, ‘Eye No? What kind of name is that?’ Soon another voice broke from the silence. ‘Maybe he said, He knows he’s got something!’

The tall child yelled out, ‘Shut up, Galgal just cause he said he knows he’s got something does not mean you can speak for him. Then again we all know you got nothing!’ Soon laughter was heard as the child ducked by down once again leaving Inno to break bit of a laugh also. ‘Oh, so you have a bit of humor to hmm, Well eye no, the names Zack, the one that undid your binds is Amis, and Luce. The other behind me are, Amil, Amis’s little sister. Galgal more so annoying then friendly, Rento, Ada, Silina, Ivor, and well I guess they are gone but Lasu is the other. There is a few others but they aren’t around at the moment cause of duty.’ Reaching to help Inno up Zack and Inno made their first connection it seemed. Remember though nightmares can become dreams but sometimes they can just be another level to hell.

It was explained that each child was from different star systems taken from worlds that were run down and basically would not notice if they were missing. After which they’d be brought back to this place only to be sold as Slaves to pay some form of debt. The band of pirates that had them seem to always berate the children, abuse them and use them only as cannon fodder when it came to it. It was seen more times when it came down to attacks or smuggling goods. Zack explained that the “Boss” of the pirates seemed to be hording them. Yet when it came down to it they were supposedly sold or given to someone else. Inno’s memories always flashed to that conversation he had overheard.

Then it was a shifting tied when the connection made would be broken between the boys. During an attack on a settlement explosions and weapon fire could only be seen. Shaking in fear it was battle but all the other children continued to run in dying before them. Following Zack, Inno continued to press on but afterwards it changed. The shipment brought back seemed to have been broken into by one of the children. Afterwards Zack, Inno, Rento and Galgal were the only ones beaten and tortured for their failures. Leaving the children broken the four were in different rooms as each one was questioned as it came down to it. They were each told a different story not knowing who would tell first until… it came down on Inno. Hanging from the wall in Zero-G, the pirate came in with a knife playing with it. As Inno had bruises and cuts he was told that everyone turned against him sold him out.

The hope of finally having a connection soon shattered like glass falling to the floor. The dream soon turned into a nightmare the expression of anger, sorrow and even revenge started to grow. It was then the “Boss” came in saying, ‘Let em out…I have a better idea.’ Minutes after bringing all four together once again the “Boss” just smiled, ‘We found the person that messed with the cargo…and it sadness me to even do this.’ He walked over slowly looking at each one of them before gripping his large hands around the wrist of GalGal. Everyone stood still unable to move as he pulled the child over to him saying, ‘Aye, as I said before it sadness me, I brought ye into my home and this is the payment again…you little Nihilties need to understand…death is the only way out when ye betray my crew. From which everyone watched as he opened the door throwing Galgal inside. The boy was left crying and screaming to be let out only to hear his words, ‘I DID NOT DO IT I SWEAR!! WHY ME!! WHY!!’ to which the “Boss” opened the airlock having him shot into vast of space.

This left everyone watching locked in view of the horror and meaning of Nihilty. Leaning over the pirate henchmen just whispered, ‘Thank you Inno.’ Leaving the three boys with each other in the room face to face with two things, one had betrayed them and they were all lied to. From that point on however, it was never the same it would seem. This would cause only the bonds to be harder to mend together once again.

After years passed, Inno had come to terms of blood stained hands. Killing, stealing and watching things other children never had to even witness. Memories of the "family" of the past became lifeless and soon ashes the boy Inno had finally died in the vast of space and became a "Nihility" nothingness suiting word for those with nothing to call their own anymore. Even so for those never having anything to begin with. After the desire for death's grip to slowly wrap around one's neck; Nihilist would just pray it takes them but tortures them to live on. Soon this torture would actually change our so call future commander. As he found something of desire the desire to live on. With those bonds of others they soon shared the same desire and planned a coup d'etat.

Killing the pirates that had smuggled them the children had finally grown as they were not children anymore but teens. To which they now began moving on with running their own ship and moving forward on their own wills to live. Sadly though, days became weeks, weeks to months and months to years. Leaving these grown desires to start and wither away again as food, supplies, fuel and power started to become bare. Soon allies started to become enemies and enemies started to become faction though slowly it would end...leaving only a handful alive to one to ask the question, ‘You never betrayed us after all did you?’ the slowly whispering words would only echo to one another and each breaking a smile across their face to laugh as they remembered, they killed to survive and they even killed each other to survive.

That last smile soon became a choice and that choice would soon take the life of one more as they ejected the chamber into themselves leaving only one. This one yet again, back to the place he once escaped from. Slowly came to his knees, smiling and letting out a small laugh before taking the gun to himself only to whisper, "Finally...death your hands squeezes my throat, I desired this." Closing his eyes and squeezing the trigger slowly, it finally...clicks. Opening his eyes slowly he be tortured by death as he sees figures standing by him shaking lightly and stopping him. "Hey are you okay? Captain we have a live one!" Were they pirates? No there was none from what he knew in this system or at least he never ran into them. Slowly closing his eyes gripping the weapon he whispers, ‘I hate much...’

Years pass, as the young ma finally grew as an adult himself smiling with others and expressing different emotions then before. He had changed for a better as he was saved. He would be seen speaking with the person that saved him smiling at her as she took him in as her own. ‘So, have you decided?’ she would say with hope in her voice. This caused the young man to smile nodding, ‘Yes, I have I'm going to become a commander...I do not know why my life was the way it was to either teach me something or to just torture me. It seemed to want something to live for or some other reason.’ Moving showing the bullet that was hanging by a metal chain. He would gaze upon it for a bit before the female's ice blue eyes locked onto his smiling, ‘You are different, unique in your own way not many can say they survived the world you existed in. Even more a gun to the mouth that does not fire after the trigger is pulled. Maybe luck or not, you have reasons to live and I'm sure you have something to call yours, never stop moving.’

That moment smiling came with tears; ending with a hug allowing the man to join in learning to pilot and place all his skills to the test. Though, first day of piloting for a permit the name came. A tall man stood looking at him gauging him before saying, ‘Zala Grasil...strange name but to each their own I suppose, you’re next for testing!’ Nodding with the exciting expression breaking over his face, this would start off as the true start of our story.