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Shadow Wolfe, Delta Squadron and Vestani Govenor, avid explorer, when time permits in between all my other duties. I had made several journeys into the black and had racked up around 27,000 first discoveries before deciding to head to Sag A. I had heard that you could not consider yourself an explorer until you make the pilgrimage. So outfitted an Orca for the trip. Might as well do it in luxury, since going in that direction, jump range is not all that important with the myriad of close together stars systems. I like the Orca for exploration, its a big ship that turns inside a DBX, with speed and now increased jump range, makes it even better. It is the premier luxury exploration vessel, room to walk around with a fully stocked dining facililty, luxury suite and of course, the Medical Bay with a fully functioning and upgraded Auto Doc capabilities, takes the apprehension of any injuries that may occur on the trip away. It would do no good to get a disabling injury when you are thousands of light years from any assistance. And being a billionaire many times over, I ensure that all my modules and ships are top of the line, the best that money can buy.

I had just begun to exit the bubble when I came across a USS signal, normally I pass them on by, but was bored for the moment and decided to drop in for a look see, it was threat level zero, and my weaponless Orca would be able evade pretty much any threat anyhow, with a 540 boost rating, anything that could keep up with me couldn't damage me and those that can damage me can't keep up with me. Wasn't much floating in the debris, hard to tell what kind of ship it used to be, just another small hunk of junk floating in the vast expanse of space, but I did notice an occupied escape pod, just one. Well, it wasn't a hard decision to make, didn't like the aspect of adding extra weight to the ship but then I could imagine that it was me out there for who knows how long, floating in suspended animation, hoping that someone would scoop me up. So I deployed the cargo scoop and did the honorable thing. Exploration is a solo exploit mostly, maybe that's why I like it so much, but never hurts to have company from time to time. With the Auto Doc on the ship, I would be able to bring the occupant out of suspended animation without too many problems, provided he survived the initial event that put him into the life pod in the first place, then jettison the empty life pod back into space.

The occupant was a young female, Angelina Everkeen, a Noob pilot going on her first exploration trip. Her reconditioned Hauler turned exploration vessel got jumped and splashed by pirates. Angelina's life savings had been invested into that ship with great hopes of exploring the stars. Shadow Wolfe was too far outside the bubble to return at this juncture, so decided to sign Angelina on as crew and continued towards Sag A. As a crew member, she would be able to receive an income from the proceeds gained by the trip, maybe give her a significant down payment on a better exploration vessel after the trip. I also decided to school her on all I had learned from my many previous trips out into the void.

The trip took 5 weeks in which Angelina learned how best to equip an exploration vessel for jump range, what modules to outfit it with and how to take care of a ship on a long journey such as this, there is a lot of maintenance required, and exploration pilots need many skills in order to explore. You have to maintain the ship because most times, its just you, with no repair shop for 1000's of light years. Angelina also learned what you are likely to find in different type star systems, what type of stars to search when trying to locate Earth like planets and how to safe super charge an FSD at a Neutron star. She also learned how to escape a Black Hole when they inadvertently got too close and got 'sucked' in. Rule of thumb when that happens, fly to the light.

The trip netted 8000 first discoveries, too include 4 Earth likes, over 100 Neutron stars, 32 Black Holes, 8 Class O stars, 8 MS Class stars, 9 Carbon Stars, 20 Herbig Ae/Be stars, several S Class stars and a myriad of other objects, bringing Shadow Wolfe's total of first discoveries to 35,535. By the end of the trip Angelina found out that she was in love with exploration, and ultimately with her savior and mentor. A Wedding Ceremony was held in Vestani, all Delta Squadron members were in full attendance, too include the High Command as well as all the citizens of Vestani and surrounding Delta Squadron systems. No expense was spared.

With the proceeds from the trip, Angelina was able to upgrade to a DBX, albeit with minimal engineering, since she was just starting out her fleet, she would still have to increase her rep with the different Engineers. But she was able to upgrade her FSD to level 5 and a DSS to level 3, but only Level 1 Dirty Drives, it would have to do for now, it gave her a decent enough boost to evade most trouble in her unarmed DBX. If speed wasn't enough, she could always utilize silent running, the 3 heat sinks would allow her to boost continuously in silent mode with out overheating, it would be enough to get out of range of any enemies and jump out. And with a 52.54 light year jump capability, there wouldn't be many that could follow in her wake.

She was also busy scanning during the time she was chasing down materials for the upgrades she had access to and increased her Exploration Rank to 5% Pathfinder, and a sufficient bank account of 32 million. Multi crewing with her husband helped to pad her bank account somewhat, albeit, not much. It was decided that she would be the exploration arm of the two fleets, with limited assets, she could go explore to her hearts content while her husband remained in the bubble to handle Govenor  and Delta Squadron duties. Angelina named her fleet "Shadow VVolfe" same as her husbands, with only slight letter variation. The idea was that all first discoveries made by Angelina would still have Shadow Wolfe's name.

She headed out to the Jelly fish Nebula for the first part of her journey, found several first discoveries on the way, then went to the Monkey Head Nebula and Crab Nebula. did not find any first discoveries in the crab nebula even after jumping to 100 or so systems. She got tired of poking around the Crab and headed to the Asteroid Mining Base in the Soul Nebula, where she sold her data to date, after the sale, her 33 mil increased to 306 mil, and she netted over 6000 first discoveries, too include 5 earth likes. Her Exploration rank jumped from 5% Pathfinder to 83% Pioneer. Not bad for her first week as a new fleet.

With the new multi crew technology now available, she could visit her husband back in the bubble at any time if they ever need some alone time, from anywhere in the galaxy. And with her husband constantly putting down small civil wars or fighting in expansion wars, sometimes that extra pip she can provide comes in handy when fighting solo in a CZ or Haz Res, provided that they could maintain the link for any length of time.