Personal content

Real name
Place of birth
Year of birth
Build type
Skin color
Hair color
Eye color
Name of Record: Tarm Hamish Wallunga
Date of Birth: 25th September, 3276
Place of Birth: Terra, Sol System (unverified)
Height: 1.72m (5'8")
Weight: 86.18kg (190lbs)
Build: Average
Hair / Eye Color: Brown / Brown
Distinguishing Features: Facial hair - goatee and mustache, though known to often be unshaven as a norm.
- Hair is generally long and unkempt. Has been seen with hair parted but also with it just brushed back or even in a ponytail.
- Tattoo of Federal Navy emblem on left shoulder; crossed scimitar and dagger on inside of left forearm.
- Both ears pierced.

     Tarm Wallunga is the only son of Wallunga Corporation CEO Hamish Wallunga, and he was raised from birth expected to assume the mantle of Wall Corp when his father retired.  However, once old enough, Tarm enlisted into the Federal Navy and served for several years as a flight officer and helmsman.  In 3301, however, he was summarily discharged from the Federal Navy (Case File TN101-7-FN-XTW) and stripped of his pilot's license.  By mid-3302, he was able to reacquire a legitimate flight status, although official inquiries into his discharge from the Navy and the loss and later recovery of flight status has been officially sealed.
    Most of 3302 saw Tarm working to regain his previous connections throughout Federation space.  Official requests for information have listed a number of questionable, if not necessarily or explicitly illegal, activities on Wallunga's part, but the fact remains that he is a capable pilot and well versed in the wide variety of the space-faring aspects of Federation society.

    Tarm is just a few stages shy of the modern era version of a swashbuckling ne'er-do-well.  He is confident in himself but is able to identify the true limits of his abilities.  He tends to be cocky and even arrogant, especially from a dominant position, and while he has been known to take risks and challenge himself, he won't commit himself to something he sees as foolhardy, a waste of time, effort or resources, or anything else that he believes he cannot accomplish.  He is a drifter, freelancer, work for hire and this has lead to a lack of faith or trust in those around him unless and until he gets to know them over a long period of time.  Once crossed, however, Tarm has expressed a dedication, at virtually any length and without regard to potential collateral damage, to ruining his opposition and removing any threats.  This has in some cases manifested as a shoot first and don't ask questions mentality.  He is not adverse to using any, and all, resources at hand to accomplish personal goals, including illegal acts.  He has a general disregard for laws, preferring instead to rely on wit, charm and an occasional display of brute force to meet his objectives.  He tends to view authority as a challenge to circumvent or subvert (Reference records regarding Onion Head and exotic liqueurs smuggling operations in the latter half of 3302).
    Tarm has also found himself easily bored from time to time and while that has lead to cases of inattentiveness or lack of long term focus, it also leads him to rarely staying long in any one region of space.  He also has a wanderer's heart, and at any point in time could just as easily be off exploring the galaxy as he could be sneaking contraband into a lockdown station.

***Addendum, added 15th December, 3304***
It should be noted that since the Wallunga Tower Incident in November, 3303, Tarm Wallunga, along with a number of known associates, are still regarded as High Value Individuals by the Terran Federation government and security forces. It should also be noted that since that time, it appears that Tarm and his associates, collectively known as the "Galactic Gunslingers", an outlaw flyer's club, have relocated to the anarchic Pegasi Sector. Thus far, they have eluded capture and interrogation. Observations made of Wallunga and his comrades indicate an increasingly and alarming amount of propensity for violence as they appear to be staking out their own claim in the aforementioned Pegasi Sector. Caution is strongly advised.

**WARNING!! - Tarm Wallunga is rarely unarmed and has shown considerable skill in unarmed combat, knives, and handheld firearms.  If attempting to apprehend, proceed with extreme caution.