Personal content

Real name
John Ironhorse
Place of birth
Year of birth
Build type
Skin color
Hair color
Eye color

Full Name: John Ironhorse
ID: 1102-9686
Birth System: Azoth
Age: unknown (waived as applicant is in good physical condition)
Prior Occupation: Barge Pilot Apprentice

Criminal Record: 
  • 6 counts of "Operating a vessel in Federation space without a certification." 6 convictions
  • 2 counts of "Reckless operation of a vessel in a Federation space port." 2 convictions
  • 1 count of "Suspicious activity in Federation space." 1 acquitted
  • 1 count of "Transporting illegal cargo in Federation space." 1 deferred
Recruiter Narrative:
Mr. Ironhorse is a capable pilot though his combat skills need work. He has scored high on entrance exams and is very knowledgeable on ship systems and protocols. Interviews with acquaintances consistently describe him as doggedly reliable and persistent though it has been mentioned that Mr Ironhorse needs to lean when to quit and can be a bit of a loose cannon at times. He has no known family to interview and a standard DNA check did not produce any positive results. I do not feel a lack of family lineage should prevent entrance into the Federation, as a lack of connection to any shady family trees has not been established.

On a personal note, Mr. Ironhorse seems to lack direction and purpose at the moment. I also feel a sense of exteem loyalty within Mr. Ironhorse. He just needs something/someone to direct it towards. If not accepted by the Federation, I'm sure he will seek acceptance elsewhere.

I RECOMMEND that Mr Ironhorse be accepted into the Federation.