Personal content

Real name
Yaakov Sinan
Place of birth
Year of birth
182 cm / 6' 0"
75 kg / 165 lb
Build type
Skin color
Space Tan
Hair color
Dark Brown
Eye color
# 300915030

FILE CREATED: 29th, November, 3292.
LAST UPDATED: 14th, July, 3303.

NAME: Sinan, Moses-Yaakov.
RELATIVE: Sinan, Ari (father- deceased), Sinan Lillianne (mother), Sinan Tara (spouse), Sinan Asuf (sibling), Sinan Josh (sibling), Sinan Maya (sibling), Sinan Emma (sibling).
CONTACT ADDRESS: Zhuzhong, New-Taoyuan Province, Fuxian Segment, Planet Futen, Fujin.
AFFILIATIONS: Li Yong-Rui, Sirius Corp., Kermainn Corp., Universal Cartographics.
ACTIVE PURSUITS: Planetary Tech Engineer (Freelancer), Orbital & Planetary Communications Maintenance (Freelancer), Expedited Delivery Service (Galactic Postal Service).


Latest Report:
10th, October, 3304
1620 hours GT, WOHLER TERMINAL (429487)
Submitted By: Dr. Nate R. Stevenson, Psychoanalysis Program

This report would be the 7th report since I have met commander Sinan. As with my prior articles, I must add that Sinan's status is improving in comparison to his first visit. I was happy to hear that he is also enjoying our meetings, specifically due to them not taking place within the office. In brief- commander Sinan has originally arrived out of his own will and through a recommendation of another commander with doubts towards our program and would repeatedly question the quality of our service. He had suffered a severe case of cabin fever as a result of prolonged deep space exposure of his own decision (record IR938270175/P) within the boundaries of his spaceship; an explorer model diamondback. I have since recommended various recreational activities which have been for the most part rejected by the commander apart from the most recent one which seems to be working. I have a strong feeling that despite his innate need to save face Sinan is yearning for his home in some measure. For this reason, I was very happy to learn that he has traveled back there and chose to adopt a dog there rather than anywhere else in the galaxy. This ensures that the dog not only serves as a companion but further reinforces his feeling of proximity to civilization. The dog is 10 months old now, which should make their interaction seven months long.

Sinan informed me his father has passed away last week due to heart failure and that his younger brother has taken over the family business. He admitted contemplating returning to Futen for a time but has realized that he was of no need when visiting for the funeral. We have mused over the fortunes of those living in less habituated systems and later the general need for burial. I sense that Sinan has an underlying depression which I hope to monitor by our next meeting. For now, he shows no extremities and has the dog both his wife which (he informed me) started joining him on more of his journeys to keep him company.
I have offered the usual prescription to Sinan, although he has once more rejected it. I fear that despite his best intentions, the local remedies of Fujin cannot continue to help his problem, which might be deeper than it seems.

7th, January, 3303
Submitted By: Kyle Barkovski, Warden

Bail processing of Inmate Sinan, Yaakov Moses. Federation ID 300915030.
Bail amount: 7,480,501 CR
Bail Paid.

Commander Sinan has been arrested for the traffic of illegal goods in the PROCYON system. (Combat Stabilizers, Personal Weapons, Unlicense Liquor, Narcotics) Has been detained by local security stationed at Cormack and refused to acknowledge allegations. Cargo matches intelligence reports (see original file) which make Sinan the culprit smuggler of these goods. The investigation case prohibits further information. Commander Sinan refused to provide any further and has thus been sent to our facility. He has been checked in and stayed with us for seven days before his bail was posted by Sinan Tara (the wife) remotely.
End report.

Registry Report:
29th, November, 3292
2147 hours GT, FUTEN SPACEPORT (6672593)
Submitted By: Lee, Ashin.

Withstanding the registration fee paid in full both medical standard evaluation passed, I have elected to approve Sinan's application with the Pilot's Federation as of today. Sinan arrived at our office with recommendations from former employer Yang Penghu who holds tender for interstellar vehicle repair with the station and operates in the Fuxian segment planet-side. Reported as an employee of Yang for seven years. (see attachment) Yang submits the applicant as a hard-working and intelligent man capable of understanding the functions of his trade and create non-standard solutions. Additionally, Yang admits the applicant to be stubborn and goal-driven to some extremes. This testimonial alongside provided evidence of employment and business-income registration from local government records is the main driving point in my consideration.

The applicant demonstrated no discriminating faults at the standardized evaluation, passing medical with a score of 72.48% success and psychological with a score of 68.24%. Medical reports applicant to exhibit signs of chronic heart conditions but adds that applicant admits to refusal of progenitor cell and conventional medicine reliance and use. While this is not standard I wish to note that this conviction is popular by local culture and thus did not influence my final decision. Stellar stress testing on the applicant resulted in a positive 81.02% percent resistance to the usual astronomical effect.
The applicant's psychoanalysis concluded that he has no major afflictions that would disqualify him but added that he is susceptible to depression which encourages me to recommend he should be contacted regularly by the federal psychoanalytical service. (or other as per your recommendation and/or standard)

Speaking with his parents (ages 53 and 67) I have come to learn that the applicant's family is by large space-faring. Distant relatives are employees of respected corporations such as the Sirius Corporation or operate within Alliance space as self-employed. The applicant's father explains that they (the parents) have chosen a simpler and more traditional lifestyle in comparison. The applicant is one of five siblings and is the eldest. He has two younger brothers and two younger sisters. Some are involved in the family agricultural business and others pursue a planetside career on Futen independently.
In the preliminary interview, the applicant expressed his desire to leave Futen and find a more suitable environment for himself to pursue his interest in stellar technologies. When asked why he does not simply contract into an employer the applicant admitted that he prefers to have the freedoms which are otherwise unavailable or are reduced within a business work-frame, adding that technology is in reality often more advanced than the companies are able to manufacture. He also stated that as a pilot he will have the opportunity to employ different mediums of technology that are unavailable to employees in an economical-political sector. The applicant expressed interest in what he defined as a "working vacation", where he would be able to experience more facets of the galactic community through his work.

In the summary interview, the applicant has agreed to the terms and conditions of his application and the regulations of the pilot's federation for commanders. He has also submitted a form which I have processed through the sector office for registration of his vessel with the federation records. (see attachment file R9948SR801 in records) which I have been informed has been approved. (?) The vessel in question is a sidewinder that was not purchased but rather constructed from existing parts. Needless to say, the process has lengthened registration. I am inclined to hold this achievement in the applicant's favor towards resourcefulness, which is a skill we all value rather than skepticism as expressed by the registration office in the sector.

Finally, I have gathered the applicant's signature, fingerprints and medical information to be included with this report and have entered his application into the registry roster as approved. To be added by the next power cycle to our records.

  • Pilot's Federation Registry License
  • Federal Space Personal Firearm License
  • Imperial Small Munitions Permit
  • Sirius Corporation Contractor (Engineering)
  • Sirius Corporation Contractor (Cargo)
  • Grade B UC - Interstellar Communications Technician
  • UC - Telecommunications Planetary Standard Technician
  • Occular Implant (mk.3 replacement implant)
  • P.I.T. 71 Information Implant (brain cortex)
  • Nanomed 3102 Infusion Unit (arm artery)
  • Recurring smuggling convictions
  • Recurring speeding violations
  • Recurring property damage violations
  • Systems & Database hacking warning
  • Reckless Flying - Property Damage
  • Trafficking of prohibited goods (Federation)
  • Multiple trespassing violations
  • Contamination Breach violation