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Member of the Imperial nobility in the Eotienses system, owning large swathes of property on Eotienses A3, owing allegiance to Senator and Fleet Admiral Denton Patreus. Intricately involved with local Imperial factions that help run the sector, such as the Praetorian Curiate Assembly, a Feudal government often seen as Patreus' fist. Holds the rank of Admiral in the Imperial Navy. Veteran of many Imperial campaigns such suppressing Nova Imperium and the NMLA, as well as direct combat against the Federation and the alien race known as Thargoids. Commands a small wing of Imperial Navy ships from the Senators private fleet, with I.N.V. Albatross serving as the task forces flagship. Also active in the commercial sector, with a diversified portfolio owning shares in many mega corporations, including Torval Mining LTD, Gutamaya, Manticore, Silver Universal PLC, and most significantly Sirius Corporation. All of these companies have active operations in the Eotienses system, from ship production and weapon manufacturing to refining metals and banking. Some of the Gutamaya ships produced on order for Sirius Navy are built in the Eotienses system. When members of the Empire cannot directly become involved in an operation, Sirius Corporation is used by this squadron as a proxy force, either intervening directly or serving as a trusted third-party negotiating deals with shadier elements away from prying eyes, all while maintaining a public front of solidarity with the majority galactic opinion, and great care is taken to ensure neither the Empire nor Sirius are adversely affected. Plausible deniability, minimal asset risk, and wide autonomy and acceptance within Imperial law renders prosecution practically impossible.