Personal content

Real name
Marcus Machiavelli
Place of birth
LHS 3447
Year of birth
186 cm / 6' 1"
89 kg / 196 lb
Build type
Skin color
Hair color
Eye color
Marcus Machiavelli was born in the slum sections of Trevithick Dock in the LHS 3447 system. As a teenager he fought for a dock gang and quickly moved up the ranks for his leadership skills in organizing the other gang youths into murderous bands who specialized in clever tactics and deadly crossfires in the brutal fights that took place in the tight confines of the dockyards.
This carried on into his adult life as he became the leader of his group of cutthroats and soon there was no business that did not pay protection money to his gang. Once he amassed enough credits he brought his first Sidewinder and bid goodbye to Trevithick Dock forever.
He launched into the black and worked the space lanes as an armed courier and bounty hunter.
At this stage he meet up with Commander Famke and the others that would one day become the future Imperial Privateers and his natural organisational skills came to the fore again as he lead them down to Imperial space.
Commander Famke introduced him to the newly appointed Patron of Hruntia, Natasha Lavigny, who is also the younger cousin of the Emperor.
Natasha asked the rag-tag group of pilots to form into the Imperial Privateers and fight for her in the Hruntia system. She also asked Marcus Machiavelli to take on the roll of Imperial Commissar to keep the Privateers on track and to liaison with High Command.
The rest is now history and recorded down in the documents section of the Imperial Privateers data records.