Personal content

Real name
Place of birth
Asellus Primus
Year of birth
172 cm / 5' 8"
76 kg / 168 lb
Build type
mil-spec Boehl vII flight suit
Skin color
Hair color
Variable, but lusciously bouncy and full
Eye color
Asellus K'vati
Pilot Booblian was born Tellin Winter Override to the cold cabins of the Foster Research Lab in the Asellus Primus system - reknowned for it’s high tech manufacturing. His mother died shortly after his birth and his father was soon conscripted from the labs in an experiment designed to meld a human mind with military battle craft, hastily resulting in his ‘decommission’.

Booblian then became ward of the Asellus Primus System AI who scheduled him for insertion in his 25th year. Not wanting to wait that long to reach his full potential, young Tellin convinced a local submind to extract his consciousness and implant it into a refurbished mil-spec Boehl vII flight combat suit of indeterminate sexual orientation. Renaming himself Booblian, the young ward then pursued flight-training and anyone who would teach him combat or help him leave the Asellus Primus system.

A short time later he managed to convey passage to Quetelet station in the Hruntia System where Natasha Lavigny nurtured Booblian's growing flying skills in the battle to secure Luyten Market in what would become the Imperial Privateers critical first system foothold. Coupled with the strategic mastermind of Commissar Marcus Machiavelli, pilot Booblian now fights for the Privateers in their continued push to expand and bring Natasha's vision to the galaxy.

In August 3302, with the help of the Imperial Privateers, Pilot Booblian became Master and Commander of Hughes Hub in the newly acquired Namarii system. With the help of Commandant Schmetterling, together they oversee station operations and retain local control of the surrounding bodies, celestial or otherwise.

Likes: Shiny red spacesuits and pretty haircuts. Dialing the empirical lobe on the secondary Klarksburg output. Fast ships and hot lasers. Clean, empty thigh-bags. Space Wees. Space Wood. Boehl vIV flight suits. Slow ship transfers and

Dislikes: Slow ships and beam-laser burn out. Having to replace the primary trigger on his flight-stick on regular basis. Having to send more cops/tanks/ships/rocket buggies. Drinking from the thigh-bag in the heat of battle instead of the neck tube. Busting some sick vapes.

Strengths: Trigger finger. Purple lasers.

Weaknesses: Natural hair loss.