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I started playing the game in March 2020, when lockdown was in effect in France. It gave me everything I couldn’t have anymore: space, a lot of space, being able to travel, and something to do!
When I started the game, I wanted money to buy all those ships I was dreaming of: first a cobra. The rares trading loops. But I couldn’t kill those interdicting pirates fast enough, so I bought a Vulture. One of my favourite ships. So nimble. I started making orphans in Haz Res. Lots of fun.
Then came the Fleet Carriers release (couldn’t afford one), the tritium craze. I made a billion with a big fat Type-9 Heavy.
But I wanted more. Everybody was mining back then, crazy with LTDs. You could make 200 million an hour. Easily. So when they nerfed the tritium, I had no choice but start mining. I went for painite. Big money too, but boring.
From time to time, I would play CQC, and I met the master, Musketeer. I thought that when you were Prestige 8, you had a much better ship. But no, he was – way – better, not his ship.
By that time I had become rich, so I grinded the Federal and Imperial ranks to buy me a Corvette, a Cutter. Amazing ships. I made even more money with the Cutter and slaughtered thousands of pirates with the Corvette, which gave me Triple Elite rank.
Same week I became a hero in CQC. But honestly I don’t feel like I’m a hero... after one year Cmdr Musketeer can still kick my butt as hard as before. Musketeer is a hard master, merciless, pitiless, I like that steel quality, it's just a pity he's constantly insulting people on Discord so he can feel good about himself.
So ok, I'm not an elite player in CQC, but still, when I play other players, not the top fifty, I usually give them a hard time, so I know I’m improving. But it takes time. I play more CQC now, I like the intensity. I love the late afternoon TDMs, with top 100 cmdrs. Huge fun!
I guess I'll wait a little before I get the Odyssey release, I've only played the game for a year or so, there are so many things I haven't done.
I'm not much of a traveller. Jumping from one dead planet to another, endlessly... boring. I'll travel when I get Odyssey, space will be prettier, and the planets a little more alive.

Today is October 11th 2022. I've made it to Legend in CQC, and maybe one day I'll become Elite, but playing CQC is difficult now, the player base has dropped after Odyssey release.
I have discovered what it's like to be in a squadron thanks to Cmdr Giboulot, French guy too, adorable, and met Steven Gift, a CQC veteran, a real gentleman. I stayed in Remlok Industries, Giboulot's squadron, for one year, but decided to join the LOSP, another French squadron that was more active, with more vocal, and more wings to play together. Since then I've learned about the BGS, and started killing my first Thargoids with the Torgue, another French squadron. I've started fighting on foot too, but I don't like it as much as the space fights. Next step will be PvP I guess, learning with the 51th Massilia, yet another French squadron. So my gameplay is very diverse now, and I suppose that is the reason why I still love it after playing it everyday for two years!

Today is May 8th 2023. It's been three years now and I'm still very active. Now chief of staff at the LOSP, the missions are very diverse. I've started learning about PvP in the main game, and, well, I'm a beginner. As for the Thargoids, the new modules and planetary stations have made it much easier, and more fun. Tomorrow update 15 will release more contents, Thargoid-oriented, I guess. We shall see!