Personal content

Real name
Place of birth
Year of birth
183 cm / 6' 0"
83 kg / 183 lb
Build type
Skin color
Hair color
Eye color
Midwestern English
Admiral Postal got his start working under president Hudson until the great collapse of cycle 52 where at the time was given the rank of Admiral in the Federal Navy. After the collapse he resigned along with other Federal pilots and was one of the founding members of the once powerful Federal Defense League.
After a successful coup in the Federal leadership Postal resigned from the Federal Defense League to assist independent factions in the fight against the Thargoids.

After the Thargoid incursion of the inhabited bubble Postal disappeared and was presumed to be laying low at his original home system of Aornum feeling he would return when the time was right.

When the pilots federation announced that commanders would be able to own and operate their own capital class vessels CMDR Postal decided that such a vessel would prove to be a significant asset to his fleet.

On June 9th 3306 he commissioned the building of a Victory class carrier named the FWS Cerberus. Named after the mythical beast tasked with guarding Hades.
Commander Postal is also the first to create the Federal WARSHIP designation (FWS) for short.
The Federal Warship designation is a a ship class focused solely on combat operations equipped with advanced weapons and modifications consisting of a mix of advanced human engineering and guardian technology.

With his newly acquired Federal Warships commander Postal decided it was time to rightfully take back LHS 1832 from the current occupying force through (best case) diplomatic relations or (worst case) force.

On July 1st 3306 after careful and successful negations a peace agreement has been reached for control of LHS 1832. Making it The Federal Defense Leagues first success opening a broad new horizon and friendship among factions within LHS 1832 and neighboring systems.

On 15 September 3306 CMDR Postal commissioned two additional fleet carriers to control Federal territory. The FWS Orthrus and the FWS Typhon.