Personal content

Real name
Hunter Davis, Jamison
Place of birth
Year of birth
187 cm / 6' 2"
104 kg / 229 lb
Build type
Skin color
Very light
Hair color
Eye color
It all started when I was a young boy me and my dad were very close he took me everywhere with him he would take my on combat missions sometimes trading missions he hardly ever explored on one day we were just doing a normal combat mission nothing out of the ordinary we were fighting a federal gunship and then a anaconda jump in it nearly killed both of us that day but we never got that close again but the one day I didn’t go with him he’s gets killed at that moment I heard that my dad was killed I would dedicate the rest of my life finding that person until I kill him or he kills me but before that I needed to get my combat skills up so I went to join the imperial army it was slow at first but we got into a war with the federation and I was stoked to hear that we were going to fight the federation but that bastard worked for the federation I went form being a private to nearly a spec ops in six weeks of fighting the general asked me after seven weeks into the war if I wanted to join the spec ops he said It’s was going to be hard and dangerous I said dangerous is in my middle name so I did the test and Training and i was the top my class the second high conflict I went to as a spec ops I found him the person that killed my father I made sure that he would feel the same way My father did I call him on the comms system I said any last words he said go to hell so I sent him there first class tickets and after eight years in the imperial and federation war I left the empire and for a while I was a bounty hunter, murder for hire, gun for hire, assassin and then these guys called Morpheus Mining Corporation hit me up and said we knew you like to kill but we do trading but we also have a military branch so we where wondering if you would work for us and I said yes they took my under their wing and here we are now I’m making real money now but I still sand some money back home and life is awesome now will hunter signing off.

Date 31 May 3309
Time 15:26:20