Personal content

Real name
Place of birth
Year of birth
193 cm / 6' 4"
70 kg / 154 lb
Build type
Skin color
Hair color
Eye color
I was fortunate enough to be born on an atmospheric, an Earth Like called Rasmussen to be precise. We apparently didn't stay there too long though, something to do with conflicts between the powers that be. From here, things get a little uncertain - I have faint memories of a beautiful star-port with a view of rings - what I do know is that I and small handful of possession was plucked from the cold depths of the black when an unknown passing commander found my escape pod. I wasn't injured, but I have no memory of how or why I came to be found like that or even how long I was floating - I was still young and the likely reason for my survival.

Not having that memory was probably a blessing though, as I likely wouldn't have gotten this far without Bill - the man I grew up with. Bill was a part time pilot at Herrington City and I've got fond memories of him letting me have a go at the controls (I'm pretty sure I was never in control but it was still fun). As I got older, he would give me real chances to fly here and there despite the insanely strict rules about doing that at the time - not like the pilots federation today, they now give a license to anyone! This set me on my career / lifestyle as an independent pilot - knowing how I was found, I always liked the idea of calling myself a commander.

In my 20's, I moved down to Dromi where I got my first chance to try when I was offered a part-time job moving the sidewinders from storage to the pads - I got full training, an official pilots federation license and a weekly income of 2500 credits (was a fair bit back then). As I got more and more work, the credits started to come in thicker and I ended up having a somewhat rough time with Progenitor Cells and Performance Enhancers - not my proudest of times but I did get enough saved up to finally lease my own Sidewinder.

From that tiny tissue box of a deathtrap I made the small fortune I now have today; including a respectable fleet and carrier I never thought I'd be able to lease! Nowadays, I spend my time avoiding space madness and that ever present call of p-cells by constantly yelling at Steve, Andrew and Liz who I constantly keep catching loitering out front of Vista - on the carrier I'm paying for, not doing a damn thing.