Personal content

Real name
James Tiberius Kirk
Place of birth
Year of birth
Build type
Skin color
Hair color
Eye color
post war america
James was born on Earth, the paradise planet that humanity had managed to create after colonizing the solar system. His parents were high ranking officials in the Old Worlds, the original planets that were settled by humanity. From a young age, James had always been fascinated by space and the idea of exploring the galaxy.

When he was 4 years old, he was introduced to the world of space travel by his parents, who took him on a tour of the galaxy in their personal starship. It was during this trip that James first laid eyes on Lave, a technologically advanced planet that was the home of GAL Corp, a powerful and influential interstellar trade organization.

Founded in 2696, GAL Corp had quickly become one of the most powerful entities in the galaxy, with its massive fleet of starships and vast network of trade routes. It was also the only way for individuals to become pilots, as independent pilots were not allowed outside of the Pilots Federation.

Despite the challenges and dangers of space travel, James was determined to become a pilot and explore the galaxy. As soon as he turned 18, he applied to join the Pilots Federation and was accepted.

Upon joining the federation, James was given the rank of Commander, a ship called a Sidewinder, a sum of credits, and a pilots license. With these tools at his disposal, James set out to explore the galaxy and make his mark as a pilot.

Despite the dangers and challenges he faced, James quickly proved himself to be a skilled and capable pilot. He made a name for himself among the members of the Pilots Federation, and soon became known as one of the best pilots in the galaxy.

However, as he continued to explore the galaxy and encounter new worlds and civilizations, James began to realize that the life of a pilot was not as glamorous as he had once thought. He faced constant danger and uncertainty, and had to deal with the politics and corruption that were inherent in the world of space travel.