Personal content

Real name
Place of birth
Year of birth
180 cm / 5' 11"
75 kg / 165 lb
Build type
Skin color
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Eye color
Jaek Aedil, born amidst the lawless fringe of the galaxy, began his journey as a cunning pirate, navigating the treacherous seas of space plundering freighters. Fate intervened when CMD Nathan De Verne, the enigmatic leader of the 12 Ronin Clan, a legendary group of Imperial outcasts, crossed his path and for some reason offered him an alternative to a life of piracy.

Embracing the path of redemption, Jaek joined the 12 Ronin Clan, where his piratical acumen found a new purpose. The clan leader and his elite staff, recognizing Jaek's potential, mentored him in the ways of the Imperial rogue, blending his roguish instincts with the clan's disciplined ethos.

Known for his agile combat style and unconventional strategies, Jaek Aedil became a linchpin in the clan's clandestine operations against both alien and human threats. His allegiance to the 12 Ronin was cemented by a newfound sense of honor, as he transformed from a pirate of chaos into a rogue defender of the Imperial way.

Jaek's story is one of redemption, a tale whispered in the dark corners of space, reminding all that even a born pirate can find a noble cause among the stars.