Personal content

Real name
Vincent Macina
Place of birth
Year of birth
182 cm / 6' 0"
112 kg / 247 lb
Build type
Broad athletic
Skin color
Hair color
Eye color
Mid-West American
I was born on Earth in 3275 I grew up in a little city called Halmstad, growing up I always liked fixing things and have always loved exploring. (There's nothing better than cracking a beer and going fishing.) Anyways after finishing high school I left earth and joined the alliance as an engineer on the Dublin Citadel. My parents didn't approve but I said that I wanted to make a difference by going out there maybe by helping out with colonies and settlements by helping to set them up or protecting them from slavers and pirates.

After 2 years of training I worked my way up the ranks until I reached the rank of Captain in 3296 and was stationed in the Gree system at a colony on GreeB IV for two years, after that I quit the Alliance which was after I had lost half my team to a bunch of Federal slavers while trying the protect the colony, felt I wasn't fit to lead anymore.

With whatever credits I had saved together I bought a cargo ship, a Diamondback Explorer, damn fine ship saved my ass at least a dozen times, I made a living doing odd jobs here and there. Then a year later I hear about the news from A group called the Allied Order of Exemplars wanting to help provide humanitarian aid to the Galaxy, Listening to the promotion vid going on about noscopic technology and expanding minds, I distinctly remember the words "We will stand against the ruinous, We will be exemplars.", at the time I was arguing with an aristocrat about the load capacity of my ship, said there wasn't going to be enough room for the cargo run he wanted me to make.

Anyways when I heard that I sent in an application to the Alliance again and flew with them for a couple of years but after it became clear that the leader known only as "the seer" was more interested in smoking onion head and mining rather than ridding the Galaxy of slaver scum, I started to have my doubts BUT, the seer forsaw a different future than the one I had imagined, a few of the pilots in the order saw me as a leadership figure and shared my concerns. And I was thrust into the position of fleet admiral for a new alliance initiative, the Systems Alliance Sentinels.