Personal content

Real name
Ardos Hammur
Place of birth
Year of birth
182 cm / 6' 0"
78 kg / 172 lb
Build type
Skin color
Olive Tone
Hair color
Eye color
Ardos was born in April 3252 aboard Mars High Station in Sol. His mother was a logistics consultant for a major shipping company in Sol, and his father was an officer with the Federal Navy. Through much of his childhood his father was away, leaving him to spend a great deal of time with his mother learning about shipping logistics and supply and demand of commodities. At an early age he became aware of the struggles across the galaxy through his mothers work, knowledge that would later lead him into humanitarian aid.

In his teenage years he spent more time with his father and learned to fly on short trips around Sol. It was during this time that Ardos also decided he would join the Federal Navy and achieve both goals of exploring the galaxy and helping others along the way. After graduation from school he enlisted in the Federal Navy and found placement in the supply corp.

In 3279 while on a routine supply run, his convoy came under attack by Imperial ships contesting the region. In a twist of fate, Ardos jumped into action and flew support with a handful of other pilots in Eagle Mk II's, and successfully held off the attack until Federal support arrived. In the aftermath, he and four other pilots were awarded for their bravery, and Ardos was transferred to a combat wing tasked with convoy protection. From 3281 to 3289 he is credited with 41 confirmed kills as well as aiding in the capture of over two dozen enemy combatants.

In 3290 his Eagle was strafed by a Viper III in combat and disabled. Shrapnel inside the cockpit punctured his flight suit and perforated his right lung, caused serious lacerations to his right arm and left leg. The limited life support abilities of the craft managed to keep his blood pumping and seal the wounds until rescue arrived. He spent the next week in a medically induced coma as a team of doctors and surgeons saved his life. When he woke from the coma he was told that his injuries would not allow for him to serve in a combat capacity and instead offered him honorable discharge from service.

Following his discharge from the Navy, he returned home to Mars High and began to piece together his life and living with his injuries. His piloting abilities suffered greatly in the first couple of years, and doctors warned against the Remlok systems longterm damage following his pneumothorax. Still, he decided to reinvent himself and persevered through the hardships that came with overcoming his limitations. In 3292 he bought a Cobra III of his own and fitted it for cargo hauling. Using that ship he launched a career hauling for a handful of Sol-based companies under private contract, and built a name for himself as an honest and respectable courier.

Late in 3295 his father passed away in an accident. Ardos and his mother were awarded a substantial sum of credits by the responsible party, but the loss was too great. He took the next year and a half off from his delivery business and spent it looking after his mother.

While touring on Earth, Ardos met Franklin Martineau, a wealthy businessman and philanthropist who had heard talk of Ardos in years prior. The two men get to talking, and Martineau tells Ardos he is looking to launch a humanitarian aide venture based out of Li Qing Jao Station. Over the following weeks, Ardos and Martineau reach an agreement to partner on the project, and Ardos offers up a substantial sum of his own savings to breathe life into the project.

The pair found Sol Logistic Services in 3298 and set up offices in Li Qing Jao and Mars High offering humanitarian aide logistics to neighboring systems. The first year is a disaster for the company as it is inevitably tied to the Federation based on the companies name and base locations. Ardos, feeling the full weight of the decision after his large offering of capital, urges Martineau to relocate the business and change the name if he is serious about the companies survival and mission. Martineau agrees and asks Ardos to pick the location and name. He decides on a small high-tech system nearby, EZ Aquarii, and settles on a more protective and strong name - Sentinel Logistic Services.

Since 3300, Ardos has been an active co-founder and employee of Sentinel Logistics. He and his crew of five have made a name for themselves in and out of the organization as reputable couriers, capable defenders, and fearless explorers in dozens of systems. Ardos chooses now to live a more peaceful life, but is not ignorant to the violence around every corner. He has built a capable fleet with is crew and uses it to serve and protect Sentinel and the galaxy in any way that he can.