Cmdr Levianova
Diplomat / Adventurer
Registered ship name
Seal You Later
Credit balance
Elite V
Registered ship ID
Alliance Chieftain SEAL
Overall assets
Leviathan Shipyards Corps
Edmund Mahon

Personal content

Real name
Place of birth
Year of birth
Build type
Skin color
Hair color
Eye color
CMDR Levianova Aka. Luke Searle was born in New Belfast, 19 Leonis Minoris A 4 on 22nd of September 3280. Apprentice Engineer in the New Rossyth Shipyards in Alioth in 3298 at the age of 18,

Completed with with distinction 2 years later in 3300. Earning enough credits over the next 2 years to construct his own Cobra mk3 with unique yet volatile optimisations. After leaving the services of the New Rossyth Shipyards,

CMDR Levianova joins the pilots federation and begins Doing odd jobs on the fringe of alliance space, assisting alliance forces, fighting pirates and answering distress calls.

After 10 months of Increasing his wealth, rank and reputation. His efforts came under the watch of Admiral Victor Ross of the Sons system after CMDR Levianova rescued an Alliance trade convoy using a combination of Heat Recycling beam lasers and High velocity armour piercing cannons against an Anaconda and 2 vipers tearing out the Power plants of each ship. When authorities arrived the CMDR handed over the pirate escape pods to the authorities, saying "This ones on the house, these ones appear to have been funded by Feds from the Dilati system, Never trust the feds."

Not long after Admiral Victor Ross made contact with CMDR Levianova. And offered a joint venture where the CMDR would get access to all the latest tech and ship builds and be free to experiment making the best builds for the Admirals new elite force, Leviathan Shipyards Corps.

Over the Course of 3302 CMDR Levianova built, tested and carried out a verity of missions that greatly benefited the local populace and soon after the LSC was formed into a governing body and Elected to lead the people of the Sons system Incorporating the Local navy alongside the Elite Corps.

"The History of Man : Learning to throw sticks harder "