Personal content

Real name
Valanga (full name undisclosed)
Place of birth
Year of birth
172 cm / 5' 8"
61 kg / 134 lb
Build type
Skin color
Hair color
Eye color
Researcher, xenoarchaeologist, CEO, renegade, party animal, orphan, loyal compatriot, ruthless sociopath. Depending on who you ask, CMDR Valanga is any combination of these things.

A woman of many hats with a remarkably troubled past, Valanga lost her entire family at the ripe age of 15 when a freak natural disaster set her home planet ablaze. She managed to escape that fiery fate by hijacking an Adder from a planetside dock and figuring out the controls as she went. After realizing she had a natural talent for piloting, she made her way to LHS 3447 in the following years and got her Pilots' Federation license at the age of 18, granting her the sought-after title of "CMDR".

But, she still found herself without a country or a sense of purpose. She grew depressed, turned to illicit drugs, and finally enlisted in the Federation Navy in a desperate bid to feel something - but the Federation's shallow promises of a better future fell flat, so she decided to take her future into her own hands. She defected, stole the Corvette she had worked so tirelessly to earn, and started jumping away from the Bubble. And didn't stop. This is when she discovered that sense of purpose she had longed for: exploring the galaxy.

Today, she leads a squadron of pilots equally fascinated by her line of work in unusual and arcane relics from generations past: a ragtag lot of Commanders known as The Macho Gang. This band of pilots is financed through the Seven Keys Alliance, a publicly-traded shell corporation acting as a research and development firm. While she maintains a sense of propriety and decorum as the CEO and de-facto figurehead of her company, behind the scenes she is pledged only to her own best interests, the interests of her closest confidants, and nothing more.