Personal content

Real name
Elias "Eidolon" Lennox
Place of birth
Year of birth
187 cm / 6' 2"
90 kg / 198 lb
Build type
Skin color
Hair color
Light Brown
Eye color
Galactic Standard
In his tenure as a Commander for the Pilots' Federation, Eli has unlocked all eligible system permits, accessed and met all 38 of the known Engineers, and visited many places across the galaxy, most notably the Collection of Wonders, Betelgeuse, X Carinae, Explorer's Anchorage, Sagittarius A*, the Great Annihilator, the World of Death, the Beacon Worlds, Colonia, Hutton Orbital, Rackham's Peak, Hell Port, Station X, Rendezvous Point, Beagle Point, Evelyn's Light, Thor's Eye, Via Gravitatis, Semotus Beacon/Ishum's Reach, Salomé's Reach, and the Dark Star.

He has personally visited every stop along the Colonia Bridge and investigated all known Generation Ships, abandoned settlements, INRA bases, and Thargoid attack sites. Eli has spent considerable time studying various Guardian and Thargoid ruins, structures, and surface sites and the Zurara and settlements of Project Dynasty in the Conflux, Hawkin's Gap, and the Formidine Rift. This long list of visited sites also includes the lesser-known locations previously cataloged by Canonn Research and other Commanders.

Eli has traversed 25 of the 42 Galactic regions, discovered over 8,400 new star systems and 22 new Earth-like Worlds, and traveled over 1,270,000 light years across the galaxy. He mined thousands of tons during the low temperature diamond rush, collected on thousands of bounties, and fought in countless battles on the ground and in the black of space. He has also spent time in the Witch Head, Pleiades, and Coalsack Nebulae fighting the Thargoids and aiding both Aegis and Salvation, as well as ferrying thousands of refugees from burning space stations in and around the Bubble.

Eli's skill at exploration, trade, and combat led to his attainment of the rare Triple Elite ranking in the Pilots' Federation, as well as Elite ranking as a Mercenary, Admiral in the Federal Navy, King in the Imperial Navy, and an expansive fortune, enabling him to purchase a Drake-Class Fleet Carrier.

System Permits:

Sol, Hors, LTT 198, Beta Hydri, Van Maanen's Star, Nastrond, Summerland, Facece, Achenar, Terra Mater, Jotun, PLX 695, Peregrina, Pi Mensae, Exbeur, Crom, Tiliala, Ross 128, Hodack, Sirius, Alioth, Isinor, Vega, Luyten 347-14, HIP 54530, HIP 22460, Mbooni, and Founders World (Shinrarta Dezhra)