Personal content

Real name
Place of birth
Year of birth
Build type
Skin color
Hair color
Eye color
CMDR: Inyahin
Gender: Female
Age: Undetermined
Origin: Unknown Galaxy
Allegiance: Paladin Consortium

Inyahin was born and raised in the woods of the Silvan; having an Elven mother and human wizard father.
Her father, for years could be heard muttering about cats living on the moon; no one knew what he was talking about. What people were sure about was that he was obsessed! Then one day reportedly conjured a portal which supposedly took him to the moon... But he was never heard from again. As the years went on Inyahin who was now a talented Virtuoso, her skill renound by those who knew her. But with her father missing with no word she employed a wizard to try to replicate the portal so she could follow in her father's footsteps to find the cats on the moon.... but something went wrong...

When she emerged from the blindingly bright light of the portal she found herself on a planet filled with technologically advanced humans, who had never heard of her race, or anything similar to the world that she'd left behind. Destraught, turned to her musical activities, but her music was unappreciated by the local human population and missing her family and friends eventually turned to alcohol. But as luck would have it; she was discovered by a smuggler. Inyahin reminded him of his long dead sister and was determined to give her life purpose and so took her under his wing and showed her the ropes as a trader and smuggler.

A year or so as first officer aboard a two crew ship, she had become proficient and had saved enough credits to buy her first cobra mk3, and so went off to earn her own way in this strange, technological galaxy. After a further year she had earned enough reputation within the federation, where she happened to be to earn the Sol permit, where she made her home and stayed there through the pirate uprising which was quenched, after she had saved up enough to buy her first Asp Explorer, which she equipped again for smuggling but with the pirates no more, her smuggling skills were no longer required. So she converted her asp into a passenger liner until she had earned enough to buy a python, which she still flies today, ferrying passengers of all kinds from Rich Tourists, Celebrities, CEOs, Criminal Masterminds; whoever has the credits to pay.

During her travels ferrying passengers she heard tails of a group of Commanders who put themselves in harms way to save the lives of the innocent from those who are power hungry; curious to find such honour she saught them out and joined their ranks of the Paladin Consortium.

Having left before she had come of age and was able to make a name for herself she still retains her birthname Inyahin; Which in the common tongue translates to Young Female Child, or simply "Girl". In line with her new allies; she named her ship 'Spirit Shield' or Tinechor`fea in her native tongue.

Inyahin donates her DNA material for scientific research in exchange for a clone of herself.

Due to growth enhancement the clone reaches "adult" age and is born into the world; and took Inyahin's nickname Space Elf for her own. The only way to tell them apart is Space Elf has genetically engineered pink hair, and one of her eyes did not form properly, so it was replaced with a synthetic one.

Following in Inyahin's footsteps, and with guidance and passes her Pilots Federation Ship competency exams and heads out into a hired Sidewinder; backed by financial support from Inyahin, she gets herself into a Cobra Mk3.

After scanning multiple Terraformable Water Worlds earns herself enough cash to buy a Type-6 Exploration ship and heads out into the black to make her fortunes with exploration data.

3303-05-20  (zero to hero in 5 days)
Space elf returns from the black with 320,000,000 credits of exploration data. With which the pilots federation bestows upon her Elite rank in Exploration.
She uses a small fraction of her exploration unlock Farseer and receive Grade 5 Frame Shift Drives for all her ships. She uses the remaining funds to buy an Orca for exploration and Python for smuggling with ample funds for those inevitable insurance claims. Space is dangerous after all.

Inyahin attempts, with partial success, to communicate with Thargoids, discovering that they become hostile when in close proximity, but they love meta alloys. She brought them many many meta alloys and the thargoid called in a friend to help. So far only rudimentary posturing has been established, but small steps are a start.