Cmdr OldarBladeborn
Vigilante / Enforcer
Registered ship name
Credit balance
Registered ship ID
Fer-de-Lance PL4SM4
Overall assets
Aisling Duval

Personal content

Real name
Jack Smitheson
Place of birth
BD-02 5286
Year of birth
175 cm / 5' 9"
70 kg / 154 lb
Build type
Skin color
Hair color
Eye color
Northeastern English
Cmdr Jack Smitheson was born on 2nd July 3279, to Damian and Marie Smitheson, farmers. He grew up on Bd-02 5286 5, with two sisters and one brother. At age 5, he attended the Ash Lee Primary Academy, and at age 11 switched to Clark City Academy, as the starport fit his dream of being a pilot more. He graduated the Academy with flying colours age 14, the youngest ever. He then went on to join the Pilots Federation, and graduated at just 16, top of the class, and began a career as a trade pilot. He achieved his first Elite same year, in the Trade category. After a pirate incident, in which his Type-9 was destroyed by pirate Anacondas, leaving him near penniless, he joined the Federal Navy, aged 19, in order to improve his combat rank. He was quickly elevated to officer status, and rose through the ranks from there. In 3305 he retired from full-time duty in the navy, with the exalted rank of Rear-Admiral. He joined Imperial Navy same year, after receiving word that skilled strategists could be fast-tracked up the ranks, and so he achieved the exalted rank of Imperial Duke at age 26. He joined the Federal Squadron First And Only at its creation in March 3306, after meeting a pair of pilots who also wished for the quick promotions of the Federal Navy. He earnt the exalted rank of Federal Vice-Admiral during the defence of LTT 1935, age 26, but left the Federation on 26/12/3306, in order to pursue independent interests, and due to remorse over some of his actions. He retained his position in Squadron First And Only, however. In early 3307, he joined the charity Fuel Rats as a part-time rescuer, but has yet to complete his first rescue. In March 3307, he left First And Only, to form The Crimson Knights, a Federal-leaning combat squadron aiming to defend pilots under criminal attack, but disbanded it a few days later after being invited to join The Sirius Watch, an anti-gank squad. On 15th March 3307, he was offered promotion to Admiral of The Federal Navy, and took it, but will not make a return to full-time duty. As of 2nd March 3307, he is worth 1.5 billion credits. He is considering a return to trading.