Personal content

Real name
Valscore Derpinson
Place of birth
Year of birth
Build type
Skin color
Hair color
Eye color
Hailing from an agricultural world on the fringe of the bubble, life was fairly boring. But that all changed nigh on 20 years ago when the colony was attacked. I was but a child then. We don’t know who it was; rival faction, political enemy, bandits even? But one thing was clear. They wanted something. The local garrison did well enough to protect the citizens. They got everyone to relative safety and mounted a counter offensive. They held out for as long as they could with what they had, requesting for aid the entire time. But their calls for help went unanswered. We held out for a mere four weeks, but it felt like an eternity.

When the garrison finally broke, they descended like wolves. Killing all who continued to resist. My parents hid me away. I remember them pleading with them for mercy; but they showed none. I remained hidden for; I don’t know how long. A day or two? I don’t know. I was too scared. What if they came back? What would happen to me then? Would they kill me like the rest? Kidnap me? That’s when I heard someone outside. They had come into the house. I was so scared, I let out a small cry.

Then I heard voices, two of them. But something was different about these voices. They weren’t cold or emotionless. They were soft and warm. When the door opened, I was blinded briefly. It was bright out, so very bright and I had gotten used to the dark that was my refuge. When my eyes had adjusted, I was able to see who the voices belonged to. A man and a woman.

The woman’s voice was soft and gentle, she beckoned me to come forward from my hideaway, reassuring me that all was going to be okay. When I finally came out, I was able to see just the destruction that was wrought. Windows had been smashed, valuables had been taken, it had looked like a terrible storm had rolled through. I started crying; asking where my parents had gone, what had happened to them. I was terrified; that’s when the woman embraced me, reassuring that everything was going to be alright.

When the man had finally spoken, his voice was warm and refreshing. They introduced themselves, said they were pilots who had received the distress call and came to see if they could help. They weren’t sure what had happened, but they said they would try to help find out. Something told me that they wouldn’t find anything new. That I would remain with them, they would be my new parents. And I would not be disappointed.

When I had come of age, I enrolled to become a pilot. I still wanted to know what had happened that day. Rumor had circulated that they were pirates, hired by the Imperial government to find more slaves. I needed to know. We’re my parents alright? Did they parish that day? We’re they captured and forced into slavery? I had to find out for certain what had happened that day.

Many years had passed since I became a pilot and I had turned up no new information. So, I gave up my search. Resigning that I’ll never find them again. So I decided to focus on the skills I had learned to venture out into the black. I earned a living doing a variety of things. Hauling goods from one world to the next, station to station. Carrying information for one faction or another. Fighting in small conflicts for one petty squabble or another. It mattered little to me. A paycheck was a paycheck at that point. But after a while, it had worn on me. I grew numb. I had made acquaintances in my travels, but with no family, not friends. Where was I to go? Who would miss me when I was gone?

It was a dark time for me then. I powered down my engines and my ship, drifting in the void. Many things were contemplated. And just when I thought I had reached the end... I felt a twitch, a pull to... somewhere. I wasn’t sure what it was, but something was calling to me. So powered my ship back up, fired my engines and set forth. I didn’t know where I was headed, I was following that sensation, that yearning. I was looking for something, I didn’t know what exactly. But I knew what it would be when I found it.

After several weeks of traveling, I came across a system. It was called Odins, named after some ancient god thousands of years before mankind ventured out into the black. That sensation told me I was close. That it was here, in this system. So I decided to stick around and relax. I spent the better part of a couple of weeks and thousands of credits resting up at one of the major stations, Roche Orbital. It was nice a nice change in pace. I kept myself too busy for too long, but enough was enough. I had to get moving again, I wasn’t going to find anything sitting around this station. So I did what I did best; I took up missions, hauled goods and hunted bounties for the local controlling government.

Something felt right, about what I was doing. This Creed of Valhalla, maybe this was what called me here. I felt alive and full of vigor. But not only that my ship; the Vengeful Spirit; felt different. It’s like it had a life of its own and it just woke up. I was doing something... We were doing something, and it was good. Then I met another Commander, and something stood out. Like she was going somewhere, and then it hit. This was what called me here, something was in the works and I had to find out what. I’ve worked hard to get here, to find out what it was that drew me to the Creed.

We spoke for a time or two, discussing the Creed of Valhalla. How her and a group of other commanders fought for control of the system. How a group of top-notch Imperials tried to bring the hammer down on their efforts. But despite everything; they persevered. A great victory was had, but there were many more challenges ahead. The Creed was only the beginning, the next step was uniting those very same commanders; and many more; under one banner. So together, with a defector from the Pink Police, she did just that.

So, I joined her cause. Myself; among other commanders; rallied under her banner. Valhallas Vanquished. Where this will lead? Who knows. But one thing is certain. I’ve found my home, my family. My ships are for the Creed and for the Vanquished. It’s time to fight, and I’ve still got loads of fight left in me.