Cmdr Cral Travis
Explorer / Freelancer
Registered ship name
Credit balance
Elite I
Registered ship ID
Federal Corvette TRAV-A
Overall assets
The Soteria Accord

Personal content

Real name
Cral Travis
Place of birth
Year of birth
183 cm / 6' 0"
78 kg / 172 lb
Build type
Skin color
Hair color
Eye color
Brown / Cyber-replacement
Terran Federation officer with rank of Space Commander, Travis has been in the service all of his adult life.

Lost his left arm and eye in a attack by self-styled "freedom fighter" Roj Blake and his followers.  Blake shot Travis and thought he had killed him, but Travis survived, albeit without his left arm and eye which were eventually replaced by cybernetic prosthetics. His life was saved by a field medic.

Shortly before joining the Pilots' Federation in 3301, Travis had been suspended from duty for the massacre of 1,417 civilians on the planet Zircaster/Auros, and three years later was court-martialed under Section 3 of the War Crimes Statute Code. His rank was restored and the Supreme Commander of Federation Space Command appointed him senior executive officer of Space Command HQ.

His left arm was fitted with a lazeron destroyer, though few of the people he killed died by this weapon.

His over-riding obsession was to kill the terrorist Blake, and he almost succeeded several times, notably at Star One, where Blake was severely wounded after a direct hit from Travis.

Known relatives: None.

Known friends: few, mostly dead.  Expressed regret at the death of the medic who had saved his life.

Known associates: answerable only to Servalan, Supreme Commander of the Federation Space Command.  Knows several cyber-surgeons.

Bodycount: Travis' kills include a Phibian on Aristo, a clone of Blake, Olag Gan (with a strontium grenade), a trooper at his court-martial (shot with a handgun), Nagu (with a knife), Ven Glynd, and Cevedic and henchman (with a Federation pistol).

Captured by: Blake and his uncle, Ushton, on penal colony Exbar, and by criminal boss Krantor in Freedom City. He was also held by "weird ladies" Sinofar and Giroc on Amersat, and trapped in Central Control on Earth after his strontium grenade despatch of the terrorist Olag Gan.

Notable brawls: Travis fought Blake hand-to-hand on Amersat, but lost. In Freedom City he was quickly overpowered by Cevedic's men.

Places visited: He was seen to set foot on Centero, Amersat, the ice world of Project Avalon, Aristo, the planet of the Clonemasters, an unnamed deserted planet pursuing the inventor of IMIPAK, Earth, Exbar, Asteroid P-K118, Atlay, Freedom City, Goth and Star One - a total of 13 planets.

After the failure of Project Avalon he was suspended from duty again. With Servalan he set out to collect Orac on Aristo, but was beaten by Blake. After this defeat he apparently needed drastic psychotherapy, and Rontane later described him as "a psychotic". After the debacle at the Control bunker on Earth he became an embarrassment to Servalan and was court-martialled in order to dispose of him before he could testify against her in an official enquiry. He escaped and became a renegade, later working unofficially for Servalan.

She promised to have him listed as dead if he helped her eliminate Blake. At some point, probably after his court-martial, he discovered or was contacted by infiltrators from the Andromeda Spiral M31, and raced against Blake and Servalan to find the location of Star One. He discovered the brain print left by Lurgen on Goth, and came to Star One intending to deactivate the antimatter minefield keeping the alien fleet at bay. He seemed to be aware of the aliens" intent to eradicate humanity, and actively sought some responsibility for the inevitable carnage.