Personal content

Real name
Jessica Marie Szinesz
Place of birth
Year of birth
149 cm / 4' 11"
50 kg / 110 lb
Build type
Skin color
Hair color
Eye color
Received Pronunciation
Jessica is the only child of Sir Sean Szinesz & Lady Erica Szinesz (deceased) of Achenar.
Raised within the circle of influence of the Royal court of Harold Duval.
Up until the age of 13 Jessica was a schoolmate and close personal friend of the young Princess Aisling Duval.
In 3287, while 11 year old Jessica was returning home from vacation in the company of her mother, the ship they were travelling on was attacked by pirates.
Although the attempt was thwarted by the swift actions of the ships Captain, Jessica's mother was fatally wounded during the assault and Succumbed to her injuries before they were able to reach Achenar.
Upon returning home to her father it quite quickly became apparent that he was deeply overcome with grief over the loss of his beloved wife.
Hatred overtook him and over the following two years his insatiable pursuit for revenge began to border on the insane as he poured all of his not insubstantial wealth into the relentless search for his wife's murderers.
Now left penniless and homeless Szinesz packed up an Asp Explorer with the few remaining possessions that remained and departed with his daughter by his side.
Over the next few years the pair encountered no leads nor signs of their intended quarry. The lack of progress saw Sir Szinesz fall deep into an alcoholic stouper leaving the now 15 year old Jessica in command of their craft and her now useless father.
In 3306 Jessica stumbled upon a group of mercenaries from the Bastogne Private Security Firm who welcomed her within their group and including her within their lucrative corporation.
She continues her pursuit for her mothers murderers and is finding success in restoring her father to the man she truly knows him to be.