Personal content

Real name
Rose Yamamoto
Place of birth
Year of birth
148 cm / 4' 10"
27 kg / 60 lb
Build type
Skin color
Hair color
Eye color
Japanese heritage
Born in the imperial system Marrallang, to a slave family that had earned their freedom, Rose was raised primarily by her father, a well respected ship mechanic on Coggia Terminal.

Rose began to apprentice under her father as soon as she was old enough to formally leave the imperial education system and quickly found, that like her father, and older sister, had a gift for working with machines.

She first heard the name 'Arquette' when a young man, well spoken, average looking, and with a hideous scar across his face, had come to her father's workshop to request some specialised engine tuning.

This young man was well known by many of the local workers, he was constantly in the docks looking at ships and running errands.
To Rose's suprise, this man, Ao, was a slave!

It turned out that Ao was a slave in the service of the Arquette family, a highly respected noble family, the matriarch Kathrine, adored by the people for her generosity and complete trust in her slaves, even they stood by her willingly!

Her first face to face interaction with Ao was when he had come to inspect the progress on the work, as the ship, his mistress' shuttle, would be departing the following morning.

The two instantly hit it off...and oddly, Ao kept finding faults and other reasons to keep bringing ships from the Arquette family fleet in for maintenance, and once he had earned his own freedom, and been formally hired by the Arquette family, was able to formally start spending time with Rose in an 'unofficial capacity'

When the Arquette family matriarch died, Ao vanished for a while, only saying that he had something to investigate.
The next time Rose saw the family, he had brought a ship, and needed a crew!

Alex, Rose's older sister had already left for citi gateway station by the time Ao came recruiting.
Rose and her father joined the crew of 'The Yamato' as its Chief Engineer, and an apprentice engineer.

The next few weeks had been hectic....a mass breakout of the Arquette family slave, orchestrated by Ao after uncovering evidence that the new head of the family was responsible for Old Lady Arquette's death, and his disgusting treatment of the slaves he had inherited.
The crew quickly swelled to a full compliment of 150 crewmen and women.

Only two people aside from Ao and Rose knew of their relationship, her father, and the Yamato's first officer and Ao's closest friend, Tiberius.
Ao and Rose agreed to keep things quiet, to avoid potential issues arising amongst the crew.
Shortly after the breakout, the Yamato had departed for Colonia.

The gruelling trip did not sit well with Rose, who had never experienced zero - g for extended periods before, alongside being nearly 8 weeks 'late' was consistently ill, and wanted to keep the fact she was pregnant from Ao until they were safely docked at Jaques and had an extended period of shore leave.

As a result Rose ended up spending most of the trip sedated, and strapped snugly into a bed in the medical unit, it was in fact this that saved her life during the crash.

The Yamato, at the request of Jaques, had been running back to back missions in the region with little to no rest, Rose keeping to her resolve to wait until the stress of keeping 150 people safe in an unexplored and dangerous region of space was lifted from Ao's shoulders.
During a routine survey mission, a catastrophic failure of the ship's port drive resulted in an explosion in the engine room, killing everyone in the compartment, her father included.

Ripped from supercruise mid glide, the Yamato's crew were subjected to excruciating G-forces, anyone not strapped down were thrown against the bulkheads like ragdolls.
The few who survived the inital deceleration, were either killed when compartments buckled, ruptured and decompressed under the intense strain on the hull.
Or were killed when the ship's safeguards, designed by Rose and her Father, failed one by one, resulting in fires, explosions and electrical shorts all over the ship.
Rose, sedated and strapped into her medi bed, saw none of this...only what Ao and Tiberius had told her after she woke up in the inflatable emergency habitation unit near the crash site.

She was never sure how, but during the crash she lost the baby, and never told Ao of what they had lost.

It was not until they were back aboard Jaques, did the trio discover the 'accident' had been sabotage, the perpetrator, August Arquette, who had been shown mercy by Ao during their last encounter, had vanished without a trace.

Now back in the bubble, Rose serves as the Chief Engineer of the Yamato II, Ao's combat anaconda, alongside her role as Consultant to Moira Sosa, Chief Engineer of the BWSF-01 STAR WOLF, The Victory Class Fleet Carrier, and Flagship of the Black Wolf Space Fleet, a company that has quickly developed into it's own independent state within the Marrallang System.

Loyal to a fault
Loves Music - Plays Violin, Harp and guitar, not a bad singer either if she does say so herself
Great Cook
Anti-Smoking - Hates Ao's smoking habit and will consistently remind him it will kill him someday


Gifted Mechanic - If it's a machine, Rose can learn how it works within moments, if it's broken, she can fix it, if it's not...she can make it even better!
Fulfilling meal - Can make a good meal to lift people's spirits, even with emergency rations.

Physically Weak: Rose has never studied self defence of any kind, but she can put plenty of force behind a monkey wrench when she needs to.

Night Terrors: Rose suffers from night terrors, often dreaming that she is awaking from sedation during the crash of the Yamato, and reliving the events of waking up in the I.E.H most nights, as a result she is never truly well rested and tires easily.

Hat: Navy Blue Cap
Hair: Tied Up
Top: White Tank Top
Top 2: BWSF Formal Dress Uniform - Blue Formal Military
Bottoms: Coveralls - Blue
Bottoms 2: BWSF Formal Dress Uniform - Blue Formal Military Trousers:
Feet: Black Boots