Personal content

Real name
Place of birth
Year of birth
175 cm / 5' 9"
91 kg / 201 lb
Build type
Skin color
Dark White
Hair color
lithium Brown
Eye color
Cygnus Blue
hereafter english
After being gifted a ship by my brother I left the home I always knew. I served in the Federation on the USS Excelsior for 6 years. Quite time in between war. Only a few battles with large pirate armadas. Anyway I left and went to discover who I am in the galaxy. I spent years working for the empire to see a different way of life. It was not for me. I travelled and explored and found myself. But after a 30,000 ly journey, my brother who gifted my ship was killed in a thargoid attack. He decided to move to the coal sector to build up a new area of space. He was only transporting supplies. I told him to always have a decent shield dammit. I came back to this news and decided to go kill those motherfuckers. I traded all my credits to get all the upgrades and weapons to have my shot of vengeance. When I got to the coal sector I was mentored on killing them by my old friend Garrett. We had months of combat together. He was killed by the thairgoids unfortunately as well.
I only spent a few more weeks in combat and kept taking more risk. I had been interdicted while going to get repairs and the strangest thing happened. My ship was damn near broke to hell and this thairgoid sent a , well something like a thairgoid repair limpet. There was also the whole ship shutdown thing that happened. I did not understand. When my ship rebooted, the was a message, it was had to understand. Basically this thairgoid told me there were on the run and desperate. There are several factions across the universe and one of the factions sees themselves as superior and want to eradicate all non superior lifeforms. He said to tell my leaders. Well I did and from that point on I left my combat ship and picked up my brothers last ship he left at the dock and took off. After over 60,000 lightyears of searching for myself again I ended up in Colonia. I found all my new friends and family.
I currently am helping clean up the sector of asshole pirates. I keep my explore ship here and when I need to go home to earth I have a taxi. I always take others with and don't charge. Most of the time just people who left with nothing for a new life. I keep my thairgoid attack ship at the ready in the bubble if the thairgoids start preemptive striking the bubble. UPDATE: Thairgoids Attacked the Bubble, Defeat is Imminent. Going back to Colonia to live in peace.