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After the grim years of toil in the last Thargoid wars, that ELITE pilots of the time just refer to as "the '84", a computer virus infiltrated the Pilots Federation rankings system, and backups, soon after. Even seasoned veterans were reduced to null rankings for many years.

Then, one glorious November day, there was a kickstart that saw the potential for the formation of a new Pilots Federation.

Founder members had different roles during this time. I was pleased to be part of the initial Design Decision Forum of the new order, and in December of the following year, something amazing happened - the release of the Alpha phase. We felt like we could be Gods.

With joy, veterans of  'the '84' ventured back into space, in their trusty Cobra Mk III ships to greet the new dawn.

Beta soon followed, then Gamma, as more and more pilots then joined the new initiative.

Time has not stood still, and the universe has continued to evolve, and with each step, beta tested, until we come to today.

Many still hang onto their original Sidewinders & Cobras, for sentimental reasons. I certainly keep mine, even though more for running about the bubble and a Sunday pleasure cruise. I remember the heady days of my first exploration trip in that ship, out to the Pleiades.
All in the days where it was a long way from civilisation.

Ships, I've flown them all, but some, best not to mention. More, and more appear, some are keepers, some not so.
For me, my trusty Cobra has pride of place in my personal fleet.

Python, T9, Viper, Eagle and Annaconda all had their roles. The most enjoyable ones like the Asp & Imperial Clipper I still love.

Have always been a fan of the Gutamaya shipyards designs, and still remember the fisrt time I stepped out into the docking bay to pick up the shiny new Clipper I had just spent, what was then, a small fortune on. Just looked around it in wonder for ages.

As for business, Combat, yes have done some. Dangerous times after all. Trading, well now considered a bit of a Tycoon, and a comfortable bank balance, but still have the heart of a Ranger.

Then new mysteries came along, these strange Unknown Artifacts, and a disparate group of scientists and explorers (and those like me that like to play at Science) started investigating.

I am proud to have been part of the first gaggle of CMDRs that came together and formed the collective now known as 'The Canonn', to further the study of these, and other strange happenings, all the while keeping up with friends I made along the way in the 'Order of Mobius'

And here we are today, still new life forms, new mysteries to explore, while helping out with both 'The Canonn' and 'Order of Mobius'.

Even the grinds for the favour of Core Dynamics & Gutamaya are fading, with a nice Federal Corvette tucked away at my favourite starport, Jameson Memorial in Shinrarta Dezhra. And of course flying the most good looking ship in my fleet, the Imperial Cutter.

Still pottering around the galaxy in the little time I have after family and work, but there is no rush for rankings this time around.

Once Elite, always Elite, is a mantra of many that were there in the time of '84.

Everything comes to those who wait, maybe even ascension. So they say.

Until then, Right on Commander!