Personal content

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Matahari was born as an imperial on Hip 16094. His father had to sell his two children into slavery early on because of his debts and he never really got to know him. (Mother died shortly after his birth)

He still had a pretty decent life because of very benevolent owners and during his childhood he could visit allot of different schools learning the most important things about the galaxy.

When he turned 18 and his freeing was only one year apart he was not even too keen about being free since he got used to this live. One day though a partner of the family's father (who was known for being abusive and sadistic) showed great interest into Mataharis younger sister Cinta and tried to buy her for a very good price. Since the owning family was in some kind of financial struggle they couldn't really say no and reluctantly sold his sister. Matahari who only learned about this a few weeks later was extremely upset! After a very intense argument with his owners who tried to appease him he ran away trying to save her and start a new life somewhere safe. Too late though the new owner had already sold cinta to some Kumo crew members after he got tired of her. Matahari killed him in his fury and escaped as a blind passenger on a Type 7 that was leaving that very day. The ship was transporting some rare goods to the Lhs 3447 system. Thats where he stranded! After a few rough years he had enough money saved to do some basic piloting training and get his first sidewinder.

He absolutely loathes the empire, slavery and everything connected to it because of his former experience and of course he still dreams about rescuing his sister although deep in his heart he knows that her survival is very unlikely (which is probably for the better considering how the Kumo crew handles their slaves )

Eventually he turned to the alliance after learning how corrupt the federation is the hard way. Working as an undercover agent for Mahon he is tasked with getting new intel from both the federation and the empire. But everytime he enters empire space his hands are shaking....