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I'm Cmdr Delta 2-7, of The Rangers, formally Trader carebear, in early 6 mths of 3301 until I was coerced into escort duty, having no knowledge an green as rookie pilots could be we cobbled together a vulture of sorts to get this medical aid to a stricken station some 100 ly away. The T9 was a right rattler but got the job done with a minor skirmish whereby pure luck I had my first shared kill.

From there 8mths I lived an fought our way in that hulk I called home, it was now beefed out an held its own, and my path in The Rangers was settled as we struck out to establish ourselves with Feudal Faction Marquis Du MA'A.

We were deep on the fringes of borderlands of civilised space, Anarchy was king, but the Ranges were seasoned fighters and took the fight to the Pirates and Warlords and establishing Marquis Du MA'A as controlling Faction rendering their area safe for Trade and Commerce within 750ly of Marqui Du MA'A Space.

What happened to that carebear of 3301, he's a seasoned PVE pilot, some 51,000 ships downed, Elite in Combat and yes managed through a lot of military-related missions attained Trade Elite too.  Currently on Exploration Duty to..., well that's "CLASSIFIED"

When he returns he will return to take care of any rogue elements who may have infiltrated Marquis space and help in training and recruitment of future Marquis Du MA'A RANGERS.

Take care Cmdr's Merry Christmas an Happy New Year when it arrives. o7