Cmdr Dylan D
Diplomat / Scientist
Registered ship name
Romero's Vision
Credit balance
Elite V
Registered ship ID
Diamondback Explorer SM.EXP
Overall assets
YKE Technologies
Edmund Mahon

Personal content

Real name
Dylan Dykes
Place of birth
Year of birth
180.3 cm / 5' 11"
55.8 kg / 123 lb
Build type
Skin color
Caucasian, Fair
Hair color
Dark Brown
Eye color
Dark Brown
Southern North American
Commander Dylan D is the Founder & CEO of the Independent Corporation YKE Technologies. Vocal Xeno Peace Activist. Early Member of the Thargoid Advocacy Project. Independent - Alliance Leaning.

Being fortunate enough to be born in Sirius, the birthplace of hyperspace travel, he quickly became obsessed with aerospace engineering at a very early age. After obtaining his Pilot's License in 3306, he kept his head down and focused on learning all that he could. Routine Courier Jobs & Trade was how Dylan initially found his place in the galaxy. This did not come without conflict, as he found himself engaged with numerous gankers throughout his travels. This heavily incentivized his decision to become a nanomed user, in an effort to prolong his life. As more engineers throughout the Bubble made contact with the novice pilot, he began to learn about xenological history at an exponential pace. The history of the Thargoids, Mycoid, and how the Guardians were annihilated. This obsessive pursuit of knowledge is what revealed the true nature of Humanity to Dylan. He always believed Peace was Paramount, but it appeared that his own species was not interested in such affairs. Much like the Thargoids, Humanity has always been driven by territorial instinct. The deteriorating state of human affairs across the Bubble is what led to the creation of YKE Technologies.

"A return to unity is vital to both our progress and survival as a species."

On August 9th, 3308, Dylan D suffered a critical injury whilst escaping the Aftermath of HIP 22460. Multiple Basilisk-class Interceptors positioned themselves around his vessel within a minute of the reboot sequence completing. A strategic EM Pulse was released by each Interceptor as Dylan attempted to flee, resulting in his controls becoming temporarily inoperable. A barrage of firepower immediately came down upon the canopy, breaching the seal and cracking the frame. Caustic residue began leaking into the cockpit over the shards of broken glass. It was in the air, in the frame, in everything. As soon as the systems were back online, Dylan immediately charged his Frame Shift Drive whilst assigning an AFMU to the Canopy Seal. Random Hyperspace Telemetry was inputted into the ship's console in hopes of escaping the mass-lock presented by these massive creatures. This was unfortunately futile. As Oxygen was restored, an Interceptor collided with the side of the ship, launching toxic debris into the Glass Visor of his flight suit. Vision was permanently lost in Dylan's right eye as a result. Escaping death, he was not unscathed. Dylan had to fly back to the YKE - Albatross with one non-dominant eye. It became frighteningly clear, Humanity can not win the Thargoid war in it's current fractured state. We are weak, scattered, unaligned. Putting all of our faith into one individual, believing we could be "saved". There is no salvation in conflict.

Vitadyne Labs was immediately contacted by YKE Technologies following his return in hopes of mitigating any further damage. The Albatross rushed into the Kuma system within the hour. It was concluded that his right eye was unfortunately compromised, despite the continued application of nanomedicines. Engineers from YKE Technologies were ordered to draw up plans for an advanced eye prosthetic following the tragic situation. It was reported the Albatross entered the Meene system the following morning.