Cmdr Kal Blackwing
Pirate / Renegade
Registered ship name
Raven's Wrath
Credit balance
Registered ship ID
Fer-de-Lance PIRATE
Overall assets
Aisling Duval

Personal content

Real name
Kal Blackwing
Place of birth
Year of birth
190 cm / 6' 3"
104.3 kg / 230 lb
Build type
Skin color
Hair color
Eye color
Seemingly by design, very little up-to-date information of the name "Blackwing" is publicly available.

For those who have encountered the self-proclaimed Pirate Lord, several descriptors may come to mind, such as: Ruthless, efficient, and curious. While it is very clear that this pilot has no qualms with murder or conflict, it seems that he does not often directly participate in these acts unless deemed necessary. Instead, Kal has gained somewhat of a reputation for meeting and encouraging Commanders to stare into the abyss of the criminal underworld, and is very vocal with his disdain of those who entrust their safety to others. The majority of these reports correlate with a region of space uncomfortably close to the small bubble utilized by the Pilot's Federation for the training and education of new Commanders. Attempts to uncover exactly what faction of pirates this criminal operates with authority over has been, as of this moment, unsuccessful.

[ Detailed Report ]

Cross-referencing criminal records from the Alliance, Empire, and Federation has pieced together a somewhat limited picture of an individual who takes on the infamous title of Pirate Lord. The man known as Kal Blackwing, can hardly be considered a man at all; Depending on the dataset viewer's personal opinions of transhumanism. After-action reports from security forces attempting to apprehend the pirate suggest Kal has extensive cybernetic augmentation installed, in order to provide himself an edge in combat situations. The exact extent of these modifications is unknown, aside from that they are severe enough to be cause for concern; Even by underworld standards.

Recent security footage recovered from a raid conducted by Blackwing, and his associates, upon an Imperial storage outpost showcased a rather grisly display of efficiency. Tactically speaking, the Pirate Lord sets himself apart from others who hold the same title. The case being, tactics are involved at all. This sets a dangerous precedent; Criminal elements with little to no restraint in a combat situation — combined with even rudimentary military maneuvers — can even many a playing field. There were unfortunately no survivors from this attack, though several audio logs were recovered from the combat suits of the deceased security forces in order to more adequately understand the combative habits of this renegade and his allies.

The most common skirmishes with this criminal element seems to take place on the outskirts of the following systems: Lauksa, Lauma, Nona, and Cheligt. Standard vessels employed against SDF (System Defense Force) pilots range from refitted Krait Mk.II's, Pythons, Cobra Mk.III's, and even up to Fer-De-Lances in rare cases. As of last month, a new investigation has been launched into how exactly these craft are acquired. (Be that through theft, Black Market sales, or some unknown factor.) Additionally, particular aggression has been noted against Federal Navy Vessels and personnel.

[ Psychoanalysis / Ideals ]

Numerous transcripts have been documented between Pilot's Federation Commanders and Blackwing. In almost every instance it is a trade or exploration vessel that has been interdicted by the pirate, but said target was never fired upon severely enough to pose threat to their life. This is believed to be intentional. Doctor Ceris Niva — a criminal psychologist that frequents this case — suspects that the directly inflammatory nature of these attacks is a calculated maneuver. One designed to invoke rage or a defensive response from the target, causing them to 'bare their fangs' as Blackwing states. For reasons unknown, the pirate will then seek to focus the frustration of any given target to nudge them towards a life of bending (or breaking) the rules in order to seek revenge for damages, or offense taken at the interaction.

Should this be successful, the unbalanced state of the pilot would then be more susceptible to changes in philosophy, especially those who have seen past results through methods such as might makes right. This is suspected to be the primary method that the Pirate Lord utilizes for gaining followers. One can only guess that whatever organization these pilots are welcomed into would be reinforcing of these beliefs. Despite this strange recruitment style, Blackwing (or associates of his) often simply seem concerned that humanity is becoming 'soft' in one form or another. Even those who refuse to comply or join his group are told that he wishes for their success. What exactly that means, is up for debate. Doctor Niva's prevailing psychoanalytical theory has been attached below:

"When dealing with criminal elements, there is always some measure of unbalance in [their] mentality. I am almost certain that despite [Kal's] rather lengthy list of charges, he seems to believe that by spreading paranoia and distrust... He is increasing humanity's potential. If everyone distrusted each other, there would be more conflict. More conflict by extension would mean more deaths galaxy-wide. And more deaths galaxy-wide would — in his eyes — mean that those who have survived are more 'worthy' or 'fit' for survival. It's a very interesting case, indeed."

This obsession with combat prowess is shared by the Pirate Lord's wife, Alexandra Blackwing. While information on this woman is also incredibly hard to uncover, a curious discrepancy has been found in the case of the criminal pair's daughter, Rose. Despite her heritage, she has been noted as rejecting her father's philosophy. Albeit limited, Rose has been able to confirm a number of speculative details which are touched on in this report. Primarily, she was willing to speak on select items of her father's past, and avoided any mention of current activity. Specifically stating:

"His ideals are not my own. While I do not agree with my father's methodology and motivations, he is my father all the same."

[ Known Associates ]

Below is a collection of Pilot's Federation Commanders and / or individuals of particular interest, that have been linked through some form to Blackwing's dealings.
  • Alexandra Blackwing - Significant Other (Wife)

  • Rose Blackwing - Offspring (Daughter)

  • Myra Thorne - Unknown Affiliation

  • Yuri Nakamura - Unknown Affiliation

  • Felix Klass - Associate (Terrorist, known for especially high fatality rates)

  • Aoth Sepret - Associate

  • Asher Delwyn - Associate

  • Victor Barlow - Employed

  • Zanurabi - Employed

  • 'Scorch' - Employed

  • Brooklyn Clay - Employed

  • Wilhelmina Roswell - Employed

  • Aera Vihkal - Employed
[ List continues ]

[ Known Past ]

The following passage contains information extracted from an interview with Blackwing's daughter.
Kal Blackwing is indeed his birth name, and it is not an assumed title. The family's home system is unknown, with Kal insisting that it does not matter. (The reasoning behind this is, apparently, unknown to even Rose.) This is especially interesting, in that his refusal to reveal this information to his daughter may indicate he suspects her of speaking of him to outside elements. One investigation operative expressed frustration during the interview, in relation to the difficult of obtaining solid data on Kal. The only reaction from Rose was that of a small smile, implying frustration is intentional. Additional speculation was confirmed that her family were not always criminals. Rose then elaborated about the family's fall into criminal activity, stating that she felt some measure of guilt despite the choice being out of her control. A direct quote is attached:

"When I was very young, I had developed a degenerative condition in my lungs. Medication for this illness was available, but costly. According to my parents' recounting of events, I was on the verge of potentially dying. Their small trade business was not enough to pay for the treatment, so in their words, they did what any parents would for their child. They stole to keep me alive, and pay for the medication. Unfortunately, despite the success of the treatment... That type of choice isn't something you can come back from. So, they made their own way in the galaxy. I was along for the ride."

From what information she could provide, it is suggested that the trade routes Blackwing used to legally utilize during the 3280s were just on the cusp of Imperial and Independent space. Specific systems of note cited were Theta Indi (an agricultural system with a very healthy population. Otherwise unremarkable), Petra (a small extraction based economy), Nerthus (Industrial system with a large population), and Suijin (another small extraction-based system). As of the time of this writing, no correlations or patterns have been identified with the location of these star systems.

Additional details gleaned from the interview imply that for a number of years, him and his wife were separated. Whether this was due to a divide in ideology — or other reasoning — is unknown at this time. The tone of voice utilized when speaking about her mother implies that Rose has (or desires) a closer connection to her than the Pirate Lord himself. Despite the limited window of time in the interview, after reviewing the recorded files, Doctor Niva has theorized that it may be possible to use the criminal's family against him. If his daughter could be persuaded to bring him to justice, it may be one of the only ways to convince him to come peacefully and prevent more lives lost. However, this is only a theory, and it is entirely possible that Blackwing is unstable enough that the betrayal of his own daughter would only reinforce his deranged perspective further. At this time, it is not a risk worth taking.

[ Closing Notes ]

It should be stressed that any encounter with this individual should be reported to local authorities, immediately. Should a pilot become engaged in combat with Blackwing, it is advised to fly defensively and extract themselves from the encounter as soon as possible. While he flies alone, the pirate's allies are often never far behind. If conversing with this individual becomes inevitable, it is advised to not allow any attempts at manipulation to become anchored in one's mentality. Defusing the situation is almost always preferable to a challenge, unless said challenger is an experienced combat pilot.

Charges and Crimes are as follows: Murder, Piracy, Sedition, Assault, Extortion, Vandalism. The active bounty of this individual at the time of this report's writing is two million (2,000,000) credits for confirmation of a death, and five million (5,000,000) credits for the live capture of the target.