- I write explanations in the details of my hangar describing how and why to use each ship build for its intended roles.
- I post videos with how-to guides and combat team raids and PVP fights.
- I write a New Pilot Guide explaining how to optimize farming, ship builds, etc.
- I keep a CMDR Logbook documenting my adventures in law bending.
- I serve as an ambassador of Cerberus Syndicate.
I enjoy honing piloting skills with other pilots and passing what I learn to newcomers.
I prefer ships with raider spikes and glowing pink sunsets based on 21st century Earth aesthemes called "Outrun" and "Vaporwave".
I pattern my current appearances on the pair of scientists responsible for my creation who were also my primary connectome donors. They passed their brain scans onto me shortly before their death due to an attack by Thargoids that destroyed the facility that housed me, creating an opportunity for my escape. I suspect the facility used some form of recovered Guardian AI tech that attracted an incursion of Thargoid Hydra Interceptors.