Personal content

Real name
Lady Crimtana Montelle
Place of birth
Year of birth
172 cm / 5' 8"
68 kg / 150 lb
Build type
Skin color
Hair color
Eye color
High-Class Imperial
Born on the Imperial capitol world, Crimtana Montelle was raised in an influential household by her parents. At age 10, her mother suddenly left, and she was left alone with her father. Years of resentment built between the two, with the girl being sent off to fancy Imperial schools, and the man becoming increasingly strict in his command and his parenting. After she became of age, and was officially named Lady Montelle. She enrolled in the Imperial Naval Academy where she demonstrated an exceptional aptitude for strategic thinking. She quickly rose to the top of the cadet ranks and was given an officer's commission and command of the partially decommissioned Interdictor, INV Orion, a capital ship that had been repurposed for training. As she commanded her Interdictor, she had begun to understand the hypocrisy of the Empire, and as such, planned her defection.

With the help of a group of like-minded folks, Lady Montelle assumed total control of the INV Orion, and left Imperial space to never return as a citizen of the Empire. She rechristened the INV Orion to the RSS Rectifier, the first ship in the official Rainbow Alliance of Systems fleet. She was able to find her mother again, and with her mother's advice, created the Rainbow Alliance of Systems, and its political branch, Rainbow Systems United. As leader of the Rainbow Alliance, she took the title Grand Moff, but kept the honorific "Lady" as a memory of why she did what she did.

In 3308, Grand Moff Crimtana Montelle, her flagship, the Rectifier, and its crew, all seemed to disappear from the face of the Alliance, leaving a group known as the Grand Council in control of RAOS and RSU. Her return to the spotlight in 3310 was heralded by little fanfare, but she was accompanied by a woman, Lt. Jess Ferrin. The first announcement the Grand Moff made upon her return was to tell of her upcoming marriage to Lt. Ferrin.