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                                                                                       UNAUTHORIZED ACCESS IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED.                         
                                                                   By Pilot Federation Authorization, CLASSIFIED TOP SECRET; 23 P.F.a 3301 

Real Name: REDACTED; Yankee White clearance required
PoB: REDACTED; Yankee White clearance required 
Known Alias: (Current) CharlieSix, Six, (Defunct) Grim, Reaper 01,
DoB: 3266 - 3268 ?  
Height: "6' 2"in/187.96 cm
Weight: 180 lbs./81.65 Kg
Eye Color: Brown.
Hair Color: Black.

Federal Intelligence Agency, "Project Sierra", Special Archive, Image Classified.
Subject: Sierra - Zero Charlie Six (a.k.a. "CharlieSix" or "Six" ) Date taken: Unknown, Pos. 3288? Location: [REDACTED]. "Classified Training Assignment"

We think this is an image of either "Six", or some other Sierra Project initiate. The figure is the correct height, weight, and build... so yeah, I'm going with "Six". Don't know exactly when this was taken, but this seems to be an earlier photograph. Probably from somewhere around 3288? (estimate based off of uniforms). If that's true this would have been right around when we believe he left the program...

On the subject of Project Sierra itself, the story gets a little more intriguing. I got some tacit confirmation from the higher ups that Project Sierra, though once very active, "no longer exists". They were really *specific* about that too... And every time I made further requests for more intel on this topic, I got rejected. So... take from that what you will.

What I can definitively tell you is that "Project Sierra" was a corporately run, top secret, Federal program, which took in kids at extremely young ages, and weaponized them. It was originally authorized by Federation President Antonia Madison, somewhere around late-3269 maybe early-3270. The whole thing's shrouded in mystery. Real cloak and dagger shit.

However, we were able to obtain documents that seem to confirm that this guy's been working for just about everybody. And when I tell you everybody, I mean everybody. Like every fucking everybody. Alliance, Federation, Empire, you name it... the man's got some track record.

*(From my own personal experience with this "Sierra"... I can personally add that he's capable of causing what should be described as nothing less than massive levels of destruction. Subject should be considered; extremely dangerous).


Imperial Navy, Royal Naval Archives, Special access, Source: [REDACTED], Image Classified.
Date taken: [REDACTED], Location: [REDACTED]. "Operation Blind Fury"

Now I know you're thinking it... but No... This is not a fake. We had it checked... Twice. This is definitely him. We're not as sure about the date though. According to a source in Senator Torval's office, "Six" did in fact fight alongside Imperial forces. Unofficially of course...

The Imperials are extremely tight lipped about this... as you can imagine.... Officially, they deny ever having any dealings with him, but my source was able to confirm that he was present during both "Operation Guiding Shield" and "Operation Blind Fury", which places the photo somewhere between early-3292 and late-3293.

No one will say what he did during those operations. You'd have to ask the marines who were there, and they're not talking. One thing did come up though... There were multiple reports from the time, of a mysterious armored figure, who never showed his face. It's unclear why "Six" behaved this way, or why he stopped, but from all accounts he doesn't do this anymore. Beyond that, can't tell you much else...


Federal Navy, Office of Naval Intelligence, Military Archive, Image Classified.
Subject: CharlieSix, Call-sign: "Reaper 01"; Date taken: 23.12.3300, Location: Kappa Fornacis. "Operation Dark Winter'"

Federal Navy, Office of Naval Intelligence, Military Archive, Image Classified.
Subject: CharlieSix (lower left), Call-sign: "Reaper 01"; Date taken: 01.01.3301, Location: Kappa Fornacis. "Operation Dark Winter'"

Got some more photographs for you to look at... These are courtesy of ONI. Apparently Six did a short stint in the Federal Military, (officially joining in early-3296). He served two tours in "Spec. Ops"... But I'm guessing you already knew that. Check out the date in the caption... This has to be from the "Onionhead Massacre". Six's unit was part of the troops sent in to suppress resistance on Panem, just a few days after President Jasmina Halsey authorized the controversial bombings, which occurred in late 3300 - early 3301.

There isn't much official record about what exactly happened during this time, but this could help explain why he left the Federal Navy. His service record has his discharge dated; 19.11.3302, which is a little over a year after his deployment to "Kappa". Also, it should be noted that during his time with FSF (Federal Special Forces) he was not going by the name "Six", but the "Reaper" moniker.

Interestingly, I found a few unconfirmed reports of fellow squad-mates also calling him "Grim", one document from a commanding officer referring to him as "...the damn, Shadow...", (I'm not sure if this was meant as an insult or a complement?), and several highly classified AR's (After-Action Report's) detailing battles he took part in while serving with Federal Navy Fleet forces (The 17th Federal I believe?).

In any case, what is very clear is that his squad-mates trusted him. Citing on a few occasions that their lives had been saved, directly due to his actions. As for his part however, there is surprisingly little. "Six" seems not to have filed a single report during the almost four years he was there. It's either that, or someone has removed the files so thoroughly even I can't find traces of them...

Hopefully this helps your investigation. If you ask my opinion... and you never do... I'm not sure you really want to mess with this one. But that's your choice. So, I'll leave it up to you...

As always, take care.



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(OoC note: This is a "Top Secret" log containing information about Commander CharlieSix - I'll add to it as his story develops, and new "intel" is discovered).