Personal content

Real name
Nellie Tatiana Samotara
Place of birth
Year of birth
148 cm / 4' 10"
52 kg / 115 lb
Build type
Athletic, yet average.
Skin color
light-brown (Hispanic-Irish descent)
Hair color
Slimy, Purple-ish Pink
Eye color
Emerald Green
Hispanic with a faint hint of Irish on some words
One of the two co-founders of the Horaltic Phoenix; A Faction of people who seek the best future for humanity, and sees seeding the galaxy with its population, as a must for its continued survival and evolution.
Nellie herself sees it as an ideal, mostly due to the aspect of ceasing needless conflicts, and furthering the knowledge of the galaxy, and its inhabitants.

While she herself is more-or-less a privateer, she prefers covert operations, rather than brazen combat between herself and hostile ships. Suited far better for such operations, she has taken to the specialty of bounty hunting, as well as charting and discovering new horizons for the Empire.
A staunch follower of Aisling's anti-slavery philosophy, she is not at all beyond taking direct, personal measures to curb such practices among other factions.

Seeing her squadron of "Phoenixes" as an extension of her family, she is fiercely loyal and protective, to those who are protected under their wings.